Sunday 1 November 2020

Absolutely No Age Limit: 4 Reasons Seniors Should Train Martial Arts

Staying active is vital to people in their 50's, 60's, or even 70's. The body begins to weaken during these years, particularly when seniors get stuck in a sedentary lifestyle.

As we grow older, our bodies become weak. This fact can not more highlight the value of regular activity. It is vital to consider engaging in activities that will keep us as active as our bodies will allow us to stay healthy and physically fit to prevent any future illness that could prevent us from living a higher quality of life in our later years.

During a time in their lives when they become free from the daily grind pressures as they enter into the retirement stage, seniors must concentrate on health now more than ever. Of course, physical limitations and health factors need to be addressed before engaging in this activity type. But the appeal of martial arts is that it is for everyone, no matter the age, and can be tailor-made to suit any person of any fitness level.

Martial arts training classes are becoming popular with people in this age bracket. Like most people, seniors turn to martial arts for the same reasons, such as improved physical fitness and mental awareness. But more than that, martial arts is an activity that seniors choose to undertake to discover how far their physical capabilities can take them while learning something new.

1) Martial arts helps sustain mental health:

It is a fact that there is a direct link between staying active and keeping mental alertness. For seniors, however, the brain does not function as quickly or as healthily as it did during the younger years. They tend to experience worse reaction times and become less sharp.
The practice of martial arts is an activity that can significantly reduce these effects of aging. Through constant practice of reflexive routines required by training, seniors can preserve mental alertness. It is not just a set of techniques learned and practiced in the gym a few times a week, but rather, it becomes a lifestyle that seniors learn to adapt to maintain physical and mental discipline.

The brain is a muscle that needs to be exercised just as much as other muscles within the body. Martial arts allow seniors to engage in an activity that stimulates their mental capacities and strengthens and conditions their physical capabilities. It can be anything they choose to make because it allows them to participate up to their comfort level.

2) Martial arts develop new friendships and builds a community:

As people enter the retirement stage, their circle of close friends tends to decrease. They no longer need to work where they are in continuous connection with their colleagues and coworkers regularly. Enrolling in martial arts allows them to build new friendships with people who share the same interests.

A community of like-minded people determined to stay physically fit and healthy is motivation enough for seniors to pursue this activity to inspire them to push themselves to their limits. It could come as a shock for seniors to know that martial arts classes gives them a social environment similar to that which can be found in other social activities.

New friendships established through martial arts' regular practice inspire and motivate people to stick to their routines. They help each other in times when the will to push through adversity is low.
Being part of a group of people who aim to achieve similar goals in physical and mental fitness is a great advantage when seniors choose to sign up in martial arts. Additionally, social engagement enhances the workout and training as opposed to a regular gym membership that requires them to perform exercises on their own.

3) Martial arts keeps your body healthy:

Kajukenbo is one of the most popular martial arts training classes for seniors due to its aerobic benefits. Grip strength and hip mobility decrease past the age of 50, and Kajukenbo specifically develops these through routines that are helpful to seniors. This is just one of the benefits of engaging in martial arts for this age group.

Keeping active no matter how you choose to do so ensures that your body stays in tip-top shape, but doing it through martial arts makes the activity more exciting and encourages one to remain faithful to their daily routine.

The idea of keeping oneself physical fitness through martial arts gives you a feeling of achievement while placing your bodily functions in check. Burning fat, preserving healthy cardiovascular health, and improving muscle tone helps you avoid common illnesses that are almost always present as you age, such as arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, and heart disease.

4) Martial arts reverses or slows down aging:

Martial arts slow down the aging process and prevent the development of age-related diseases.
As we age, our body experiences significant changes in our balance, strength, posture, flexibility, and endurance. The leading cause of these is mostly inactivity.
Balance declines over time as your muscles tighten and become weaker. Your physical strength is also affected and could lead to muscle atrophy. A study conducted on men and women over 90-years old revealed that after six weeks on a specific routine or exercise regimen, the participants achieved an almost 200 percent increase in strength.

Bad posture is one of the significant shifts our body experiences over time. Through martial arts training, one must execute forms and techniques that guarantee improved posture that could help prevent osteoporosis.

A decrease in the body's collagen structure is a consequence of the aging process. Muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments, and other connective tissue become stiffer and, as a result, decreasing the body's flexibility. Likewise, the challenge one encounters as they perform even the most basic physical activities is a sign of reduced endurance that comes with age.

With regular martial arts training, the chance to increase your heart rate and lung capacity leads you to much-improved stamina. Overall, martial arts training can eventually reverse or slow down aging signs, which we should strive for.

So, if you're a bit older and are looking for an activity that is fun and helps improve your health, martial arts is the answer. Sign up for a trial today to experience the benefits for yourself!

from James Martial Arts – Martial Arts Near Me

Wednesday 14 October 2020

Basic Self-Defense Skills For Women

Personal safety professionals share recommendations that can help protect busy consumers

As women all over the nation are preparing to go to shopping centers to find the ideal swimsuit for all their upcoming Spring and Summer plans, It is essential to acknowledge that leaving shopping malls and shopping centers nonchalant with hands full of bags can be dangerous if the shopper is not always aware of the surroundings. Every year close to 300,000 women are assaulted, and over fifty percent of these criminals go unreported. It is key for women to know how to protect themselves from these, and all, types of crimes. As harsh as this sound, Kajukenbo Worldwide, a leading self-defense organization is informing shoppers how they can stay protected with some basic self-defense tips.

Remain aware of your surroundings by checking your surrounding. No matter how occupied you are, do not permit your mind to wander. It could seem vital at the moment to be making a to-do checklist in your head, but if you are worrying if you will have time to stop at the niche supermarket on your way home to buy appetizers for tomorrow's party you might not realize someone following you to your motor vehicle.

Parkin well-lit places - even if it means that you have to walk a bit further. It is best to minimize shopping after the sun has gone down, however, if you must make an effort to take a friend or family member along with you. When you park, avoid parking close to vans, trucks with camper shells, or cars with tinted windows. You want to keep your car as visible to as many individuals as possible, and as such, you should also minimize parking next to tall shrubs or plants that could block views of your car.

Do not wear your purse so that the strap crosses your body. Wearing a purse strap across your body makes you a lot more connected to your bag. If a guy decides to steal your purse, you will be pulled with the belt. You can become unbalanced and put into a vulnerable position, or you could end up in a physical altercation with the assailant. If your purse is draped on one shoulder, you can quickly let go of it.

Dress casually and comfortably. The mall during the holiday shopping season is not the time to make a fashion statement. It is better to keep the high heels and flashy statement-making pieces at home. Jeans and sneakers will enable you to blend in and if needed enable you to make a quick getaway. In addition, avoid wearing large and expensive-looking jewelry that can draw added attention to you.

Never hesitate to ask a security guard to walk you to your car. If you are shopping at night-time and the crowds at the mall have thinned out for the day, taking an extra step to stay safe is always a good idea. Furthermore, plan and pay the few extra dollars to valet park your car or truck., so you do not have to walk to it along with arms full of bags.

Thursday 8 October 2020

What Makes Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo the most Useful Self-Defense System?

It's not a small thing to say that Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo may be the most helpful self-defense practice in the entire world. After all, you can find Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo in use from the Defense Force to your police officers, and even on the screens of your local cinema. Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo is most helpful for one thing: staying alive.

However simply what exactly sets it apart from the martial arts of the world? Here are just a few factors that choosing to learn Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo could be one of the best choices you can make.

Practical Self-Defense

Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo was established for use in rough communities, in battlefields, and anywhere else that threat may come knocking at a minute's notification. This makes Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo useful in a way that conventional martial arts have a problem matching in useful situations regarding self-defense. After all, even the harshest Thai kickboxing competition does not sanction groin shots or eye gouges. With Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo, anything goes to keep you and your liked ones safe.

Accessible Techniques

This does not mean it's risky to discover how to use Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo if you're unskilled in self-defense. As a matter of fact, the fundamentals are simple sufficient to comprehend that even kids are able to take classes and enhance their capabilities to protect themselves with speed and effectiveness. Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo is made to be beneficial for all walks of life, which consists of weak and strong, young, and old alike.

Getting in Shape

Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo isn't for couch potatoes: having the ability to safeguard yourself effectively indicates that your body needs to be appropriately conditioned for strength, speed, and reactive impulses. A big part of the practice is keeping your body suitable for whatever difficulties or risks might threaten you, which is why we offer a robust physical fitness course to keep you strong. Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo is better for people who have the physical acumen to make the most out of its strategies, which implies it's not just a method to protect yourself but a terrific inspiration to get in shape too!

Taking it to the Ring

Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo is technically a martial art, mean it to be available in helpful if you're a combating sports enthusiast. Because of its brutal strikes and takedowns, Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo is useful for getting the edge on a challenger in an MMA competition even if it isn't formally categorized as MMA. In fact, our really own battling course lets you learn how to utilize Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo with Jiu-Jitsu in a completely efficient mix of 2 effective disciplines.

However bear in mind, Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo was not developed for sport, it was established for survival. Many of the most reliable strikes taught in Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo would rapidly lead you to disqualification in any fighting sport.

A Wealth of Resources

Because of the popularity and performance of Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo as a form of self-defense, it's easier than ever before to discover great locations to train and qualified instructors to show you the ropes. Our helpful Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo Worldwide place finder is a terrific tool for finding neighboring training centers that will assist turn your dreams of self-defense competence from dream to truth. The best method to find out how to use Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo is from somebody who's existed and done that, and this is one discipline that has no scarcity of friendly and competent mentors.

Lessons to Last You a Lifetime

Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo is extremely beneficial for keeping you alive, getting you into shape, and looking good in an expert battling capability, but it also has the prospective to be a full-on lifestyle for those who genuinely commit to it. It's not simply in the strategies you find out, however the way you view each circumstance and learn how to intensify fights prior to they have a possibility to begin. As excellent as it is for safeguarding yourself and your liked ones, Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo is also useful as a method to become a better, more well-rounded human.

Get Going Today

If you're ready to stop reading and begin doing, find a center near you today and come on in to satisfy among our certified instructors and keep up with our blog to remain abreast of the ideas to assist you remain at the top of your game.

Send us an e-mail if you have a question about something we didn't cover here. Discover how to use Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo with Kosho-Ryu & Kajukenbo Worldwide today and learn what genuine power and self-sufficiency feels like

Thursday 1 October 2020

The Benefits of Martial Arts Training

As any martial arts specialist will inform you, there are several benefits to martial arts training. Of course, the most apparent advantage is an understanding of self-defense which is among the major reasons martial arts were established in the first place. Knowing how to safeguard oneself and enjoyed ones in a potentially harmful situation is an asset in today's world just as it was hundreds of years ago. Unlike frequently represented in the films, martial arts are not practically battling. Many individuals take up martial arts for fitness advantages as well. Training in martial arts such as karate, tae kwon do, kung fu, and other martial art styles will improve one's cardiovascular fitness along with tone the muscular system. Strength will increase from the exercises generally used within martial arts training however maybe not to the exact same degree as working out with weights. The general power of one's body will definitely increase considering that martial arts strategies teach how to utilize strength effectively.

Many people will also enhance their flexibility substantially while training in martial arts considering that the entire varieties of movement from the body are exercised. This is specifically true with martial art designs such as tae kwon do, Thai kickboxing as well as some schools of karate and kung fu where high kicks are utilized. All martial art styles will result in an enhancement of one's coordination.

Unlike many other forms of physical activity, martial arts likewise have a psychological and often spiritual component which not only improves the mind's focus however also assists in self-discipline. Emotions such as anger and fear are much better controlled through martial arts. Numerous martial artists can find a sense of inner peace through their training. In today's stressful world, these specific benefits equate to among the most efficient stress management tools readily available. When training in a martial arts session or in a group class, throughout the day to day difficulties of the world appears to be forgotten. People come out revitalized, stimulated, and prepared to deal with the huge world out there.

Training in martial arts generally includes many little steps and developments. As one advance in a martial art, the feeling of accomplishment features added confidence. This is especially helpful for children who were not extremely confident in the first place. A boost in self-confidence for kids (along with grownups) will have a cross over impact in other areas of life such as in other sports and general self-esteem. Other challenges in life, both physical and psychological, will be met with much less fear.

A crucial benefit of martial arts training for parents to note is that children will usually become more disciplined from the unique rules of martial arts classes. Martial arts kids are typically extremely well-behaved children no matter what social economic backgrounds they come from.

Martial arts training has so many excellent benefits covering physical, psychological, and emotional aspects that it's no surprise why it has turned into one of the most popular activities for both adults and kids. It is essential to point out that not all martial arts programs will produce the range of benefits discussed. Programs that teach just combat battling methods may not result in the preferred mental and spiritual advantages so it is necessary to browse around for the best martial arts school that will use the advantages one wishes to achieve.

Friday 25 September 2020


 As our lives grow progressively hectic and sidetracked, it's more vital than ever to secure and promote our families' relationships. Entertainment, work, and technology all operate in tandem to cut into the precious household time that has historically been the integral method through which parents can impart their wisdom and aid cultivate their children's healthy advancement. It can be hard to take on your child's social media usage and friends for their time. Still, by picking a family activity where each member of the family can enjoy themselves, you'll discover you will not need to have a hard time carving out family time just as much.

Here at James Martial Arts Academy, we understand that the value of finding a family activity by which each member of the family can enjoy themselves while still investing quality time with each other can not be overstated. It's merely inadequate to hang around with our children-- the best way to get in touch with your kids and get chances to direct and teach them is through engaging with them during a shared activity. Like the quintessential daddy and kid fishing trip, shared family activities have actually always been essential in assisting kids to become healthy and happy adults.

By finding a shared activity you and your kids can bond over, you'll be able to catch them in a more relaxed state of being, eventually producing a better circumstance to get in touch with them in-- not to mention you'll be creating wonderful memories for several years to come.

In deciding to choose a family activity to help enhance the household connection, it's vital to find something that will be possible in the longterm, offer efficient advantages, and obviously, be lots of enjoyable. If you're searching for just the right household activity that pleases all the elements, martial arts is the ideal solution for you.

Practicing martial arts as a family is one of the most effective household building activities available today.

Martial arts can be practiced as a family for years and years. With a discipline like the martial arts, there's no requirement to worry about the activity ending and the requirement to replace it-- martial arts are a long-lasting sport. The long-term nature of practicing martial arts makes it a terrific choice for household activity, not only because it doesn't need switching activities every couple of years but also since it provides your kids with a chance to practice the sport for the rest of their lives.

Unlike other activities indicated exclusively for pleasure, the martial arts are developed to be practiced for a lifetime, not just for an occasional weekend. There is just no end to improving one's martial arts abilities, making it the best long-term-minded family activity.

A special aspect of what makes practicing martial arts as a family so effective is the well-rounded advantages it uses. The martial arts aren't merely an enjoyable diversion, however, they also aren't a one-off job with an exact ending date. Our Children Karate Program is an excellent choice for families looking for satisfying and enriching activities because of physical health, emotional health, and the fun they use. A family that practices martial arts together is taking part in an important journey towards constant enhancement while still having lots of fun.

Parents like practicing martial arts as a household since the time spent practicing with their kids is both pleasurable today and supply their kids with rich benefits far into the future.

Some of the benefits children and grownups can reap from regular martial arts practice are physical health and psychological health and increased focus and discipline. It's crucial to our health in addition to that of our kids that routine exercise is observed. The martial arts is an ideal approach for ensuring the whole household gets routine exercise while still enjoying themselves.

In addition to physical health, practicing martial arts is an efficient way to increase psychological health. Specialists find out to press themselves even after failures and learn to develop their discipline through regular practice. Another valuable aspect of practicing martial arts is the increased focus that specialists gain.

The martial arts require the application of focus when training a new ability. This practice of using focus has incredible advantages, specifically in our contemporary lives that are so typically packed with consistent diversion and multitasking. By practicing martial arts as a household, moms and dads can invest more quality time with their children while likewise supplying their kids with the terrific benefits a regular martial arts practice provides.

When looking for any new household activity to take on, one quality that can not be disregarded is the most obvious-- enjoyable! As moms and dads, attempting to spend more time with your children means taking on a world developed to entice them with fun, be it buddies, television, video games, or just utilizing their phones. No family activity can be successful in the long run without offering what matters to kids, which's a healthy dosage of enjoyable.

While martial arts might have a reputation for being serious and conventional, any practitioner will inform you of one of the primary factors they continue practicing is merely the sheer enjoyment of it. Learning new relocations, working on methods, and seeing those efforts concern fruition in sparring matches or practice sessions is an exciting feeling.

Not only is practicing martial arts a lot of fun, the kind of enjoyable that the martial arts offer is much longer-lasting than games designed solely for home entertainment are. The effort goes into practicing martial arts and difficult oneself to perform at their finest developing a satisfying conclusion when triumph is lastly attained that constructs self-confidence and increases the state of mind.

The martial arts have a long history of offering amazing physical and psychological benefits to its professionals, making it a great choice for moms and dads searching for a brand-new household activity that will offer their kids long-lasting advantages. Yet, practicing a sport and slowly improving through competition is a difficulty that kids enjoy and love.

Eventually, martial arts offer the perfect blend of efficient benefits and greatly enjoyable to develop an environment where moms and dads can get in touch with their kids and produce lifelong memories. At James Martial Arts Academy, we believe the family that kicks together sticks together.

Sunday 13 September 2020


Does your child have difficulty concentrating on his or her homework? Do you find your son or daughter with a dreamy look on his face when he/she is supposed to be studying? Kids are beginning to explore the world around them. They are discovering to think and analyze the cause and effect.

Things that may seem routine to the adult eye are new and excellent for children. Therefore, they tend to become distracted by the things and happenings around them. Parents have long turned to martial arts training programs like Karate, Kosho-Ryu, and Kajukenbo to improve their children's focus and concentration. At James Martial Arts Academy, we teach parents that there are several things you can do to aid your child in achieving better concentration levels.

- Set a schedule. Set aside a specific time for waking up, having breakfast, going to school, playtime, study time, and dinner. Once your child establishes a routine, he will find it easier to concentrate on his work because he knows that this is the time you have allotted for work and nothing else.

- Ensure that the room in which your child sits down to study and do his homework is one where there is no distraction. Let him read aloud if he feels it will help him from becoming distracted.

- Don't let younger siblings, particularly infants, play near the room where your school-going child studies. Their cries and infant babble may be a big distraction for your child.

- Look up your child's topic and capture his interest by sharing interesting and informative facts.

- Make dull subjects fun by playing quizzes and memory games.

- If your child feels sleepy or hungry, he may not be able to concentrate well, so make sure he is hungry or tired.

- Sometimes, children tend to lose interest in a particular subject when they fail at it. Encourage your child to persevere. For this, you need to show him or her that you have full faith in his capabilities and that you will help him in any way you can.

- If your child needs additional help, offer to help him out or arrange for tuition. Once he begins to comprehend and master the subject, he will start to concentrate on his work.

- It is a fantastic idea to let your child study and his peers who are good academic performers. By doing this, your son or daughter can pick up tips and concepts from his friends.

- Be patient when you deal with your child. Yelling at them or scolding them when you find them distracted will only serve to make him frustrated.

- Let your child take short breaks while studying. This will help your child to refresh his mind and memory. Let him take a 10-minute break after 1 or 2 hours of studying.

Many activities can help to enhance your child's concentration.

Here are a few:

- Board games and card games call for concentration, and engaging in them will improve your child's concentration levels.

- Read a story to your child and ask him questions related to it. This will help sharpen his memory too.

- Ask your daughter or son about his day. This way, he or she will attempt to recall his day's events and actions, improving his memory and concentration.

- Count numbers or their multiples and skip one or two in between. Ask your child to find the skipped number.

- Strange as it sounds, tongue twisters also help enhance concentration. Your child has to listen with great attention to decipher the tongue twister you say. This will teach him to concentrate.

Lack of concentration is certainly not a problem that is difficult to solve. These few tips should help you assist your child in overcoming the problem of low concentration levels and sharpening his memory and studying skills.

The Karate, Kosho-Ryu, and Kajukenbo training programs at James Martial Arts Academy studio provide parents excellent support in developing happy, healthy, confident kids with a remarkably positive winning attitude. Whether parents are looking for help with focus, confidence, self-esteem, fitness, self-defense, or character development, parents will find Martial Arts training a great aid in achieving their parenting goals.

from James Martial Arts – Martial Arts Near Me

Wednesday 9 September 2020

Choosing a Self-defense/ Martial Arts Studio

"Father, I intend to take Martial arts!" or "Mommy, Jimmy, on the bus hit me again today."

There are numerous reasons parents want to sign their kids up for Self-defense or Martial Arts courses. When you have decided, currently, you are faced with many different choices and concerns. What Design? How much does it set you back? Is my youngster also young?

Martial Arts and Self-defense Styles

There are various styles of Martial Arts, as there are faiths in the world. You have probably come across Martial arts, Kosho-Ryu, Jujitsu, and Kajukenbo, and there are still numerous styles and disciplines.

So what Design is the very best and also what Design should I pick?

In reality, this author's viewpoint that the Design of Martial Arts your child will indeed find out is not that crucial. What is essential is the method of teaching, as well as training that your kid will undertake. With Martial Arts training, your kid ought to find out self-control, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-confidence, and capability to safeguard themselves.

The Teacher (or Sensei) is the key. I recommend that all parents check out several locations with their children to observe the workplace teacher. Make sure you go to a beginners' class in addition to a high-ranking class. The beginners' class is where your child will start.

Do the instructor's character as well as approach match your morals and perfects? Does the class take part in any "Eastern Religious" method that does not match your faith? Do you want your kid to see this trainer as a role model? Most children will certainly admire their Martial Arts & Self-defense instructors as a good example and will certainly fear their skills and capacities. Ensure that this person who will certainly be managing your youngsters matches your worths.

It is also vital to check out a high-ranking class. The beginner classes are typically very tame, and the mentoring philosophy is customized to a more youthful audience. Nonetheless, the older the student is, the "real" mentor and training techniques are also affected. You may feel comfy with just how the teacher "educates" the more youthful beginning pupils, but may not be comfortable with managing the older students.


Most martial arts & self-defense studios (or Dojo's) run their company on a membership basis. Customers have to authorize contracts, where they are bound to spend a certain amount of time participating. The locations are run like a fitness center subscription; you pay for a specific size of time and may get involved as usual as you prefer.

However, seldom are the "surprise expenses" discussed when signing up for a course or membership. What are the concealed expenses? One of the most forgotten costs is the "signup fee." In Martial Arts, many skills corresponded to a belt ranking. After a particular period and training, the trainee is ready to progress to a brand-new level or belt in their martial arts design, and a "belt examination" will undoubtedly be executed. This "belt test" often called for the trainee to pay a "belt-testing charge."

I have seen charges from $20 as much as $15,000, depending on the belt rank. Parents, ensure you ask about these costs and also fit with them before you sign any agreement.

Another expense is the required items to acquire. Some places require that you buy a uniform with the school's logo design. The typical cost of these attires ranges from $30-$ 250. As the child developments in rank, protective sparring gear is required. Currently, this is generally compulsory for the kid's security and safety and security, but can be costly.

Regular safety and protection gear for Martial Arts contains Foot Pads, Hand Pads, Head Gear, Mouth Item, Groin Cup, and an optional Spar Vest. All this gear together sets you back about $350 retail or higher.

So Moms and dads, factor in the total price of courses, screening costs, and needed equipment when making your choices.


At what age should my child start Martial Arts or Self-defense? Currently, this is an often-debated concern. I have seen kids as young as four years old take part in Martial Arts or Self Defense training. Some have been successful while others it was simply too young.

The age of which a youngster should begin Martial Arts or Self-defense classes needs to be evaluated on a private basis and be identified by the parents. Some key points to consider. Does the child have a good attention span? Has the kid participated as well as growing in other group tasks? Is the kid comfy in bigger team setups?

Suppose the kid is presently enrolled in a martial arts school and has no problem adapting to those settings or concerns after that. In that case, they must be taken into consideration old sufficient to get involved and benefit from Martial Arts or Self-defense guidelines.your text here...

from James Martial Arts – Martial Arts Near Me

Absolutely No Age Limit: 4 Reasons Seniors Should Train Martial Arts

Staying active is vital to people in their 50's, 60's, or even 70's. The body begins to weaken during these years, particularly...