How Long Do Dental Implants Last

Dental implants are a common treatment option to replace missing and damaged teeth. The titanium screws are placed directly into your jaw, fusing with the bone to replace the root of your teeth. However, while they clearly have a solid foundation, do you have confidence in how long your implants will last? Having dental implants is a significant investment in your oral health, so it pays to understand what you’re getting and how to ensure they last as long as possible. 

What Affects the Lifespan of Dental Implants?

While they are designed to be a permanent solution and can last up to 30 years, how long dental implants actually last will depend on how well you look after your teeth and your oral hygiene. There are several factors that can reduce how long your implants will last:

  • Oral health – as with your natural teeth, your implants need to be well looked after. While titanium and ceramic may be resistant to decay, your gums and surrounding teeth can still be damaged by bad hygiene and issues like gum disease can lead to implant failure. 
  • Lifestyle choices – if you smoke and drink alcohol, it can have a significant impact on how long your dental implants last. Smoking can restrict blood flow and oxygen levels and slow down your recovery as well as producing bacterial plaque that can lead to gum disease. 
  • Injury or damage – just like your natural teeth, ceramic crowns aren’t indestructible. They can be cracked or damaged by facial injuries or by chewing hard or sticky foods. 
  • Medical conditions – conditions such as diabetes or a weakened immune system can make you more susceptible to infections. This makes the healing process more complicated and lengthy and increases the chance of implant failure.  
  • Position of implants – your teeth have different functions when it comes to chewing, eating and biting. The teeth at the back of your mouth are put under additional pressure, which can impact the lifespan of implants. Grinding your teeth and clenching your jaw repeatedly can also affect how long they last. 

How to Care for Dental Implants 

When it comes to the lifespan of your dental implants, a lot comes down to how well you care for them. A lot of this care is similar to that of your natural teeth. You should brush twice a day and floss regularly to avoid the build-up of plaque. This will keep your gums healthy and help support your implants. You’ll also need to visit your Wollongong dentist regularly for checkups. This enables any issues to be identified and rectified quickly and hopefully will mean that your implants can stay firmly in place.

It’s also worth bearing in mind that your immediate aftercare can make a significant difference to the risk of implant failure. You’ll want to ensure your dentist is aware of any medical conditions so they can account for this during your treatment. You’ll also want to consider your lifestyle choices. Stopping smoking and reducing how much alcohol you drink, especially while your implant is healing and fusing with your jawbone, can make all the difference. 

The Importance of Finding a Good Implant Dentist

As well as your oral health, medical conditions and lifestyle choices, the one other major factor that influences how long your dental implants last is how good they are in the first place. Before choosing a dental implant dentist, you’ll want to know that they have the right level of education and are committed to ongoing training, that they have a lot of experience in dealing with a variety of cases, and that they will deliver personalised treatment planning. You’ll also want to know that they are using high-quality materials that comply with safety and quality regulations. 

How long dental implants last will vary from patient to patient. However, there is a lot you can do to make them last longer. Choose an experienced Fairy Meadow dentist and practice great oral hygiene, and they could well last you a lifetime.

from Ambience Dental

How Dental Implants Work

If you have missing or damaged teeth, it can have a significant impact on your ability to talk, smile and feel like you used to. Dental implants provide an ideal solution to the problem, enabling the missing root to be permanently replaced and creating a strong foundation for replacement teeth. However, while dental implants offer many advantages, if you’re going to have something permanently attached to your mouth, you probably want to know how it works, what the procedure is like and how much dental implants cost.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are titanium screw-like posts that are placed directly into the jawbone to create an artificial root. Once the post is in place, the jawbone is stimulated to grow, eventually fusing to the post to create a strong and durable replacement root. The visible part of the replacement tooth, the crown, is then attached to an internal screw within the root, known as an abutment. Once in place, dental implants feel, function and look just like natural teeth. 

Dental implants can be used as replacement teeth for any adult, regardless of age. However, for them to be successful, there needs to be enough jawbone present to support them. What’s more, you need to be in good general health to reduce the associated risks of surgery and implant failure. In the event that there isn’t enough jawbone, preliminary procedures such as bone grafting can be used. Also, to replace a full arch of teeth, the innovative All on 4 procedure can avoid areas of reduced bone density. And, when it comes to general health, changes in certain lifestyle choices such as smoking and drinking can often make a difference.

The Dental Implant Procedure

If you’re considering dental implants near me, the first step is to book an examination with an experienced Wollongong dentist. During the examination, the implant dentist will be able to review your oral health and medical history and ensure that implants are the best possible treatment option for you. You will have a thorough evaluation, including detailed x-rays and impressions of your teeth, to assess the health of your mouth and jawbone and plan every step of your treatment. Assuming you don’t require any preliminary procedures such as tooth extraction or bone grafting, the dental implant procedure then follows three main stages:

  1. Implant placed – once anaesthetised, the titanium screw will be surgically placed into your jawbone. At this point, there will be nothing visible, and the implant will be left to heal for around six months. 
  2. Abutment added – once the jaw has had time to heal and fuse with the implant, the abutment will be placed. This is the piece that screws into the implant and allows it to attach to the artificial tooth. The installation is usually done using local anaesthesia and is relatively quick. 
  3. Crown attached – after the gum tissue has had a chance to heal around the abutment, usually after a couple of weeks, the artificial tooth can be placed. At this point, you will have a replacement tooth that looks, feels and functions like new. 

While the whole process can take several months, afterwards, you effectively have a brand new tooth that should last as long as your natural ones. Then all you have to do is to continue visiting your Fairy Meadow dentist regularly and maintain excellent oral hygiene. 

The Benefits of Having Dental Implants

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, dental implants are the only solution that replaces the missing root. This is what enables dental implants to be such a superior treatment option. By replacing the root, jawbone growth will be stimulated, your remaining teeth will be supported, and your face will look fuller and more youthful. What’s more, in contrast to ill-fitting dentures, dental implants are comfortable and long-lasting, giving you the confidence to live your life just like you used to. 
Thanks to the many benefits they offer, dental implants have become an extremely common treatment for missing teeth. If you are wondering how much dental implants cost, then it all depends on how many missing teeth you have, the number of implants you need and the complexity of treatment required. One implant is a lot less expensive than a whole arch. However, by protecting your jaw and remaining teeth, you are investing in your long term health and your future smile.

from Ambience Dental

5 Tips for Preventing Tooth Decay

While you may well have had a filling at some point, tooth decay and cavities don’t have to be a given. Tooth decay happens when bacteria in your mouth comes into contact with the sugars and starches in your food and drink. The acid that forms can attack tooth enamel and, over time, cause it to break down and decay. Left alone, tooth decay can lead to gum disease and serious health problems. Fortunately, while you obviously can’t stop eating and remove the acids entirely, there are lots of things you can do to stop it leading to decay. 

1. Brush and Floss Regularly

Your oral hygiene routine is one of the most important ways that we can reduce the risk of tooth decay. While you’re probably well aware that you should brush your teeth twice a day, are you sure you’re doing it well enough? You need to brush the inside surfaces, outside surfaces and chewing surfaces, and that should take around two minutes. And floss shouldn’t only be used for dislodging food that’s wedged between your teeth. Use it after you brush, and you will remove plaque that forms along the gum line. 

2. Make Sure You Get Enough Fluoride 

We’ve been putting fluoride in Australian tap water for over 70 years, and there is a very good reason. Fluoride is a superhero when it comes to preventing tooth decay, fighting against those acids that form when we eat and drink. However, you don’t want to depend on tap water alone. Make sure that you are using topical fluoride products that are applied directly to your teeth too, like toothpaste and mouthwash. While they may only be in your mouth for a short time, they raise fluoride levels for several hours after use, giving you added protection. 

3. Eat a Nutritious Balanced Diet

You may well try to eat healthily, but do you know which foods are good for your teeth? Dairy products like cheese, yoghurt and milk are high in calcium. Leafy greens like kale and spinach are full of vitamins and minerals. Carrots and celery are a great source of fibre, vitamin C and vitamin A. All of these foods help you to produce saliva, which protects your teeth and keeps the enamel healthy. Typical snack foods, on the other hand, are high in sugar and expose your teeth to acid long after you’ve finished eating. It’s ok to treat yourself from time to time, of course, but if you can opt for apples or nuts instead of chocolates and biscuits, your teeth will thank you for it. 

4. Pick Up Some Healthy Habits

Before you think about what habits might be good for your teeth, it’s time to assess which ones might be harming them. The number one culprit here is smoking. Not only is smoking bad for your lungs, it can produce more bacterial plaque, reduce the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream and impact your gums ability to heal. A good habit, on the other hand, is chewing sugar-free gum. The gum can help your mouth to produce extra saliva which will help to wash away any food debris in your mouth and fight against decay. 

5. Visit Your Wollongong Dentist

By visiting your Wollongong dentist regularly, you can have your teeth professionally cleaned. More than that though, by having your teeth checked, you can catch any early signs of decay before they have a chance to take hold. And, if you do have a cavity, the sooner it’s treated, the better. Your dentist in Wollongong can also give you more personalised advice about preventing tooth decay. If you want to know what toothbrush would best suit you, how to floss correctly, or whether sealants could help protect your molars, your dentist is always the best person to ask. 

from Ambience Dental

Dental Veneers: Is It Worth the Cost?

If your teeth are chipped, crooked or discoloured, veneers offer a great way to quickly make a difference. However, your shiny new look won’t come for free. If you’re considering getting dental veneers, you are essentially investing in a more attractive smile. The question is whether you can justify the cost? Will veneers offer you any other oral health benefits or will the expense leave you frowning instead of smiling?

What Are Dental Veneers? 

Dental veneers are essentially thin shells that cover the front of your teeth to improve their appearance. They are custom-made from either composite resin or porcelain to be the perfect size and colour. While they can be used to treat a single damaged tooth, they can also be used across many teeth to make them appear more even and symmetrical. 

Dental veneers are placed by first removing a small amount of enamel from the front surface of the tooth. This is done to create a snug fit and to ensure that the veneers form a strong and long-lasting bond. While this doesn’t damage the tooth, it does make the procedure a permanent decision and, therefore, a permanent investment. 

The Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

Dental veneers offer a simple way to fix minor cosmetic issues such as chipped, crooked or misaligned teeth. As well as straightening and brightening your smile, the cosmetic procedure offers several benefits:

  • Long-lasting – with good oral hygiene and proper care, porcelain veneers can last as long as 15 years, making them a long-term investment. 
  • Stain-resistant – porcelain is a highly glazed glass that doesn’t collect stains and plaque build-up like tooth enamel. This means the colour won’t change over time, giving you a permanent teeth-whitening solution. 
  • Natural-looking – porcelain veneers are custom-made to match your existing teeth, giving you a perfectly natural-looking smile. 

While mainly a cosmetic treatment, veneers can replace damaged enamel that has been worn down by eating and drinking. This offers ongoing protection to your underlying natural tooth. However, it’s worth noting that while dental veneers can resolve issues with chipped, crooked or discoloured teeth, they can’t solve all dental issues that have caused the cosmetic issue. 

What Do Porcelain Veneers Cost?

When it comes to veneers, the cost varies depending on the skill and experience of your dentist and the complexity of your case. On average, composite-resin veneers cost around $850 per tooth. However, the more durable, stain-resistant porcelain veneers will cost closer to $1900 per tooth. The overall cost, however, is going to depend greatly on how many veneers you need to achieve the desired result. 

An important thing to bear in mind when considering the cost of veneers is the quality of your treatment. While it may cost more to have veneers fitted with an experienced cosmetic dentist in Wollongong, you will have more confidence in the results. A cosmetic specialist will be able to give you the best advice and ensure that veneers are the most suitable treatment option to give you the look you want and protect your oral health. Whether you just need to cover up one unsightly tooth or whether you’re looking for a full smile makeover, veneers offer a great solution. However, there are other treatments that can be used in Fairy Meadow, such as teeth whitening, that may also be  able to help you achieve your goals. 

Can You Afford Dental Veneers?

Whether you can justify the cost of dental veneers is a very personal decision. They most certainly offer significant benefits, quickly improving the appearance of your teeth, boosting your confidence and giving you long-lasting, stain-resistant results. While definitely an investment, the cost of veneers can appear small compared to the cost of living with a smile you’re not happy with. What’s more, with proper care, your veneers may well outlive many other investments you make in your lifetime. Now surely that’s something to smile about?

from Ambience Dental

Are You a Good Candidate for All on 4?

If you need replacement teeth, you may well be surprised how many options you have. As well as dentures and traditional implants, innovative procedures such as the All on 4 dental technique can give you renewed confidence in your smile. But how do you know whether you are a candidate for All on 4? 

What is Implant Dentistry?

Dental implants have been around for a long time, since the 1970’s in fact. Implants are surgically placed in the jawbone to give a permanent anchor for replacement teeth. And, for those able to have them, they offer great relief from the embarrassment and discomfort of  ill-fitting dentures. What’s more, by placing titanium screws into the jaw, the bone is encouraged to grow, which can restore facial aesthetics. The result is a fully functional set of teeth that enables patients to eat and speak as normal. 

However, while implant dentistry has long represented a superior treatment to restore the form, function and health of our teeth, it has one serious limitation. While to support a full arch of teeth an implant isn’t needed for every individual tooth, up to ten may be required. The issue is that patients need enough jawbone density to support that volume of implants. Often that isn’t the case which means that either the treatment isn’t possible or extensive preparatory procedures are required. 

What is Bone Loss in Dentistry?

Bone loss around the teeth and in the jaw is a lot more common than many people realise. It can occur as a result of tooth loss and also as a result of severe gum disease. In fact, when caused by gum disease, as the bone shrinks, it can often lead to teeth becoming loose or moving around. When teeth are missing, the jaw isn’t stimulated to grow, and it loses density and shrinks. 

Bone density is really important when it comes to implant dentistry. When the jawbone loses density and becomes more porous, it often isn’t strong enough to support dental implants. And, when many are required, as is the case for full implants, this can prevent the procedure. Bone grafting can be used, replacing the missing bone with bone from another part of the body. However, this makes the procedure far more invasive, complex and lengthy. 

How Can All on 4 Help?

All on 4 dental implants near me solve the same issues as traditional dental implants, offering a superior option to dentures. However, as its name suggests, All on 4 can support a full set of replacement upper or lower teeth on just four implants. Two of these implants are placed at a strategic angle to optimise bone-to-implant ratio. This means that people with less jawbone density can be potential candidates without the need for preliminary procedures. The procedure is quicker, more efficient and less invasive than conventional implants, all while producing outstanding results. 

How to Find Out if All on 4 is For You

If you have missing or damaged teeth and think that you could be a candidate for All on 4 in Fairy Meadow, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you have several missing teeth? All on 4 is a technique for securing a full-arch of replacement teeth rather than just a single tooth. 
  • Are you healthy? If you suffer from a serious illness or medical condition, it  might not be wise to put yourself through the risk of surgery. 
  • Do you smoke? As with traditional implants, smoking is not advised while recovering from surgery and can lead to implant failure.
  • Do you have active gum disease? Your mouth needs to be in a healthy condition to reduce the risk of infection from implant surgery. 
  • How much jawbone do you have? While bone density isn’t as much of an issue, you will still need to support four implants. 

Ultimately, if you’re an existing denture wearer or are about to get your first set of replacement teeth, All on 4 could be the best treatment for you. The only way to really know, of course, is to visit your Wollongong All on 4 dentist for a suitability assessment. 

from Ambience Dental

What Type of Dental Crown is the Best?

If you have a tooth that needs protecting or replacing, your Wollongong dentist might well recommend a dental crown. But what kind of crown is best? Are you ready to have a unique sparkle to your smile with a drop of gold amongst your white teeth? Or would you prefer to have something a little more discreet? Fortunately, there are various types of crowns that can all restore your tooth to its natural shape, appearance, function and, if you want, colour. However, the best crown for you will depend on your oral health and the position of the tooth in question. 

What are Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are prosthetic devices that are used to strengthen weakened or fractured teeth or to cover a root canal, dental implant or discoloured tooth. They are placed either by removing decay, filing down and reshaping an existing tooth, or by first placing a dental implant into the jawbone to replace a missing tooth. Crowns are then cemented to the tooth or implant, held firmly in place as a permanent cap for the tooth or structure below. 

Dental crowns are often recommended by cosmetic dentists to help improve your appearance. What is cosmetic dentistry, you may ask? It’s basically any dental work that improves the appearance of your teeth and, ultimately, your smile. However, while dental crowns can most certainly restore your smile, they can also help to protect your long-term oral health. 

What Types of Crowns are Available?

While the uninitiated might assume all dental crowns are made equal, that is far from the case. There are, in fact, a variety of different types available. And, when it comes to having choices, it’s best to know your stuff. Some of the pros and cons of different materials include:

  • Porcelain – these crowns are strong, natural-looking and low in cost. However, they are prone to chipping and can aggravate adjacent teeth.
  • Ceramic – these crowns offer the best colour and texture match for your natural teeth. However, they are also prone to chipping and are susceptible to pressure. 
  • Gold alloy – amongst the strongest materials for a crown, gold doesn’t fracture or wear down and is gentle on adjacent teeth. However, you most certainly won’t have a natural-looking tooth. 
  • Metal alloy – again, a strong material that doesn’t fracture, is resistant to corrosion and gentle on adjacent teeth. However, while less expensive than gold, metal alloys can still be costly and won’t look natural. 
  • Combination – porcelain can be bonded to the exterior of a metal crown to give a strong metal framework with long-term durability, while also providing a natural look. However, the metal will cost you, and the porcelain part will still be prone to chipping.

Choosing the Right Dental Crown for You

Whether you’ve always wanted a golden tooth or you would prefer a natural-looking crown, following the advice of your Fairy Meadow dentist is key. When helping you select the best material for your crown your dentist will consider your tooth’s location, its visibility when you smile, its function and the health of the underlying and surrounding teeth. 

When you visit your dentist, you can, of course, talk about your personal preference. But your dentist is best placed to advise which combination of materials will work best for you. Your dentist will be able to talk you through the comparative costs and help you find affordable crowns. If you’re determined to have a gold sparkle to your smile, there may well be a payment plan to help you get it. And, while you may need to fund preparatory work as well as the crown itself, the investment in the appearance and function of your smile will be worth every penny – gold or otherwise.

from Ambience Dental

How to Prepare for a Tooth Extraction

While losing your baby teeth as a child may be fun, when you have to have an adult tooth extracted, it’s anything but. However, it doesn’t have to be a stressful, painful or expensive procedure. As is the way with many things in life, preparation is key. And, fortunately, there is plenty you can do ahead of time to make it a lot easier. So, if you need to have a tooth extracted, read on for some steps that you can take to prepare yourself.

Ask Your Wollongong Dentist Questions

Dentists aren’t there to just be listened to, they are also there for you to talk to. If you’ve got any concerns, it’s much better to voice them before the procedure. Your dentist should explain everything fully, so you understand what is going to happen at every step of the way during a tooth extraction. 

Share Your Medical History

If you have a regular Fairy Meadow dentist, they should already have a copy of your medical history. However, if you’re new to a practice, you’ll need to share it with them. Some conditions and medications can make you more susceptible to infections and complications, be sure to tell them everything. 

Decide Which Anaesthesia is Best For You

When you talk to your Wollongong dentist, you’ll also want to discuss anaesthesia. It’s not unusual to feel anxiety when it comes to the dentist, but there are several ways to alleviate those feelings. It may be that talking through the procedure eases your worries, but you could also consider laughing gas or even IV sedation

Know the Pre-Procedure Rules

Depending on which anaesthetic you’ll be having for your procedure, you may need to avoid eating. Your dentist will advise how long for, but, usually, it’s around 12 hours. The important thing is, whether you are having IV sedation, a general or local anaesthetic, you should always follow the pre-operative guidelines you’re given. 

Find Affordable Teeth Extractions

It’s much better to work out your finances before the procedure. A professional and caring dental practice will do everything they can to help you afford the treatment you need. Find out if your procedure will be covered by your health fund, your private insurance or whether a payment plan can ease the cost for you. 

Pick Your Wardrobe

Feeling comfortable goes a long way towards relaxing your mind. When going in for your procedure, make sure that you have loose-fitting, comfortable clothing. You’ll also want to take your jewellery off and make sure, if you’ve got long hair, that it is pulled away from your face. 

Organise Your Transportation

If you’ve had anaesthesia for your tooth extraction, then you’re not going to be able to drive afterwards. Even local anaesthesia can affect your reflexes. Make sure you either have a friend or family member to take you home, or you’ve booked a taxi. That way, you’ll know you’ll be home safe and sound in no time. 

Plan Some TLC

When you get home, you may need to rest for a while. So, make sure you have help with childcare and perhaps someone to prepare your dinner. Your Wollongong dentist will recommend eating soft foods, avoiding brushing the site for a few days and taking painkillers for any soreness you may experience. 

Searching for same day tooth extraction near me can be a daunting prospect if you don’t know what to expect. However, if you take these steps to prepare for your tooth extraction, you’ll feel much more at ease. 

from Ambience Dental

5 Signs That You May Need a Root Canal

When it comes to problems with your teeth, it can be hard to self-diagnose. You may be experiencing pain or sensitivity, but what does that mean? When it comes to a root canal, there are many symptoms that you might encounter. If you have one of those symptoms, there is no way for you to know that you definitely need a root canal. You will know one thing though; you definitely need a trip to your Wollongong dentist. 

What is Root Canal Treatment in Dentistry?

Root canal treatment in dentistry is used to repair a tooth that is badly decayed or infected. This happens when the decay reaches the tooth’s pulp inside the root, where nerves and blood vessels are found. While antibiotics can temporarily clear the infection, they can’t get rid of it altogether. Root canal therapy is the only way to preserve the look, feel and function of the natural tooth.

Root canal therapy is effective and gentle. Like a standard filling, the procedure involves removing the decay, cleaning the area and then filling and sealing the tooth. Root canal is a commonly used treatment for problems that would have previously led to tooth loss. 

What Symptoms Should You Look Out For?

There are many reasons why you might need a root canal. However, whether it is due to decay, a broken tooth or multiple dental procedures, the chances are you will experience some telltale symptoms:

1. Persistent Pain

Whether you have constant pain or it comes and goes, any toothache will soon start to take its toll. When it comes to infection in the root of your tooth, you may feel the pain deep in your tooth or as referred pain in your face, jaw or surrounding teeth. 

2. Increased Sensitivity

You may feel sensitivity to heat or cold, and that sensitivity may be a dull ache or a sharp pain. However, if the pain lingers after you’ve finished eating or drinking, it could be a sign that there is a problem with the root of your tooth. 

3. Swollen Gums

If your gums are swollen around a tooth, it can be another sign that you may need a root canal. The swelling may or may not be painful and can come and go, but it is common in relation to issues with pulp tissue. 

4. Painful to Touch

As well as experiencing sensitivity when you eat or drink, you may find that your tooth hurts too. If your tooth hurts to touch, it could be a sign of severe decay or nerve damage, which often needs to be treated with a root canal. 

5. Pimple on Your Gum

A little pimple on your gum, known as a gum boil or abscess, is usually a sign of a bigger problem. The pimple can ooze and leave a bad taste in your mouth, so you’re definitely going to want to seek help from a dentist. 

How Much Does Root Canal Cost?

If you’re experiencing symptoms and think you need a root canal, you may well be worried about the cost. If you find yourself searching for affordable root canal treatment near me, it’s worth knowing what to expect. Firstly, the cost of root canal treatment will vary depending on how damaged the affected tooth is. Secondly, the cost will vary depending on the experience and skills of your dentist.

When it comes to having any dental treatment in Fairy Meadow, you are making an investment in your future. By choosing an experienced dentist, the procedure will be much more comfortable and be more successful. That means you will have your natural tooth firmly in place for years to come. And, while there will be a cost involved, it will be far less than the cost of  tooth extraction and replacement with an artificial tooth. 

What to Do If You Experience Symptoms

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms we’ve mentioned, it is best to visit your Wollongong dentist as soon as you can to stop any infection from spreading further. That way, you may have a chance to save your natural tooth before it’s too late. And, while you may not relish the thought of a root canal, it doesn’t have to be painful. Chances are the pain and discomfort of putting up with symptoms will be a lot worse. 

from Ambience Dental

How Many Dental Implants Do I Need?

If you have missing teeth, you’re probably wondering how many implants you’ll need to get your smile as good as new. If you have just one missing tooth, the answer is probably an easy one, and the procedure won’t be too daunting. But, what if you’ve lost more than one tooth, or if a whole arch needs to be replaced? You’re probably worried about the complexity of the treatment, how painful it will be and what it’s going to cost you. While the short answer to how many implants you need is ‘it depends’, knowing your options and the available treatments can help to put your mind at ease. 

Why Implant Dentistry?

The first thing to get your head around when it comes to missing teeth is why implant dentistry is used. Other treatments can be used to replace missing teeth such as dentures. However, dental implants are the only long-term solutions for missing teeth that also replace the missing root structure.

A dental implant itself is a titanium screw, which your implant dentist will place directly into your jawbone. By replacing the root of the tooth, your jawbone is stimulated and will gradually fuse to the implant. This not only makes your replacement teeth stronger, but it can restore your facial aesthetics too.  

What Happens If I Only Need to Replace a Few Teeth?

If you’ve only lost one tooth, then you’ll only need one implant to replace your missing tooth. If, on the other hand, you have a few missing teeth, you won’t necessarily need an implant for each one. Dental bridges can be used to bridge the gap between implants. 

However, you’ll need to consult your implant dentist to find out what option is best for you. Your dentist will need to find out if you have enough bone structure in your jaw to support any implants you require. If you don’t have enough bone density, that doesn’t make the procedure impossible, but it does make it more complicated. You may be offered bone grafting as a preliminary procedure to replace and regenerate the lost bone. 

What if I Need to Replace All My Teeth?

If you’re missing a full arch of teeth, you are probably pretty self-conscious about your smile. And, if you’ve got dentures, you may worry whenever you eat, laugh or talk in case they slip out, and they may be far from comfortable. Fortunately, dental implants can be used to replace a whole arch of teeth. However, while you may worry that that means you’ll need over 30 implants, that shouldn’t be the case. 

The number of implants you’ll need will depend on the amount of bone density in your jaw and its overall quality. On average, you’ll need up to ten implants to support a full arch of teeth using traditional dental implants. If you don’t have the bone density needed to support that volume of implants, you may be looking at additional procedures before you can have implants placed. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. The All on 4 technique has revolutionised dental implants for all teeth, so it’s possible to replace a full arch with only four implants. 

The Benefits of All on 4 Dental Implants

While All on 4 dental implants provide the same benefits as traditional implants, preserving your bone structure and restoring your facial aesthetics, they offer several additional advantages:

  • Simpler – as All on 4 dental implants are skillfully positioned to avoid areas of reduced bone density, they can reduce the need for preliminary procedures. That means the treatment is much less invasive, and the healing process is quicker. 
  • Faster – thanks to the strategic positioning of All on 4 dental implants, replacement teeth can be fitted immediately instead of you having to wait for months for your implants to fuse to the jawbone. 
  • Achievable – for some people, a lack of jaw density can mean that conventional implants aren’t a possibility. Thanks to how All on 4 dental implants are positioned, more patients are suitable for the procedure. 

Finding an All on 4 Dentist in Wollongong

If you’re missing more than one tooth, you’ll want to ensure you get the best possible treatment and have access to the most innovative dental implant treatments. When you’re looking for what dentist does implants in Fairy Meadow, consider whether they offer the All on 4 dental implant procedure. That way, you’ll know that, if you do need to replace a lot of teeth, the procedure will be faster and simpler while giving you the perfect set of replacement teeth. 

from Ambience Dental

4 Teeth Whitening Myths Busted

Having a beautiful set of pearly whites is something we all aspire too. However, as we eat, drink and live, our once sparkling teeth can soon become discoloured. Fortunately, dentist teeth whitening can change all of that, giving us back our gleaming smiles and restoring our self-confidence to boot. But do you know what chemicals are safe? Are you worried how much teeth whitening is? Do you think you might damage your teeth? When it comes to teeth whitening, there are lots of misconceptions, false information and wacky ideas out there that can lead us to make the wrong decisions. So, without further ado, here are four teeth whitening myths that you can stop worrying about. 

1. Dentist Teeth Whitening Can Damage Your Teeth

This is definitely not true. Most cosmetic teeth whitening products are made of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. While if you don’t know your chemicals, they may sound like they could do damage, that’s far from the case. The chemical reaction converts hydrogen peroxide into water while releasing oxygen. We all use oxygen and water every day, so they’re unlikely to damage our teeth. And, while you’ll want to avoid swallowing too much, it isn’t anything like household bleach that contains ammonia. 

2. You’re Guaranteed a Hollywood Smile

Deciding to have dentist whitening treatment with unrealistic expectations is a sure-fire way to set yourself up for failure. Celebrities use teeth whitening but also have other procedures to achieve their sparkling smiles. All of our teeth are different in terms of their mineral composition, the thickness of the enamel and their natural colour. The colour you can achieve with teeth whitening alone will depend on the current shade of your teeth, your oral health and your desired outcome. A professional teeth whitening dentist will be able to advise you as to whether you can achieve the colour you’re hoping for and will ensure you achieve the best results for you. 

3. Over-the-Counter Products are As Good as Professional Ones

As a hugely popular cosmetic dental treatment, there is a wide range of teeth whitening products available both online and in pharmacies. The problem with the huge amount of choice, however, is that it’s difficult for you to know exactly what you’re getting. At-home whitening kits may have weaker or stronger chemistry than those that your dentist will use. And that means that you aren’t guaranteed the same results or the same level of safety. The best way is to search for dentist whitening near me and to seek the advice of a professional. Many practices will offer at-home whitening kits too, so you can have the best of both worlds. And, if you’re wondering how much teeth whitening is, you’ll want to consider value for money and the longevity of your results. 

4. Your Teeth Will Stay White Forever

Unfortunately, this one is more a case of wishful thinking. Much in the same way as your teeth have changed colour since you were a child, they will change colour again. This can be due to the ageing process, or the food and drink that we consume. However, there are ways that you can maintain your sparkle for longer. Visiting the dentist regularly, maintaining an effective oral health routine and considering your diet will all impact how long your teeth whitening results will last. What’s more, by visiting the dentist regularly, you’ll be able to plan any touch-up treatment required at the perfect time to keep that smile firmly planted on your face. 

Dentist whitening treatment is one of the easiest, quickest and simplest ways to enhance your smile. By consulting your teeth whitening dentist, you’ll not only avoid falling for teeth whitening myths, but you will get the best-possible and longest-lasting results. 

from Ambience Dental