Spinal Decompression

Spinal Decompression

Over 20 Years of Clinical Experience

Spinal Decompression Therapy or also known as chiropractic spinal decompression has recently become one of the most popular methods of treatment for lower back pain. In fact, it has become so popular that people from all walks of life including athletes, politicians, business executives, and families are asking chiropractic specialists for spinal decompression services. Chiropractic spinal decompression techniques have been used for years by chiropractic doctors to restore motion to injured or problematic spinal bones in patients who would otherwise not be able to do simple back exercises or physical therapy. A chiropractor is capable of treating the musculoskeletal system and fixing the spinal joints and discs, which will improve mobility and reduce pain.

Spinal decompression is typically done on an advanced traction table using sophisticated computer technology, where the practitioner manipulates spinal bones and other structures located in and around the spine. It works under the same general principles chiropractors have used for years to slowly extend the spine in patients and give patients effective pain relief without invasive surgery. Pressure is applied to specific areas of the spine either with the hands or with devices that can be fitted to any chair. The pressure is released in small, controlled bursts to break up adhesions and to promote blood flow throughout the body, relieving the stress caused by weak muscles and discs.

Spinal decompression does not attempt to treat the cause of pain, but helps to release tension, restore motion, and increase blood flow and energy to injured and dysfunctional joints. Often, chiropractic spinal decompression helps to strengthen and realign spinal nerves. When a chiropractor manipulates a joint, the subluxations occur at the same time. Proper positioning by a chiropractor can help to realign and fix subluxations, which in turn promotes proper functioning of the spine.