Ed Baker, Digital Marketing Manager, redShift Recruiting

Ed Baker

Director of Digital Marketing

Ed is a veteran internet marketer, industry disruptor, and ecommerce expert. He is responsible for digitizing our candidate sourcing methods and optimizing the recruiting process. Using web technologies and an omnichannel marketing approach he supports our team of recruiters with better & faster talent acquisition than traditionally possible. He is always researching, testing, and implementing unfair advantages for both our candidates and employer clients. Ed and Dan previously worked together in event technology for the trade show industry. Ed is a NY Capital Region native and graduate of Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).


Quickly submit your resume to our recruiters. We parse candidate data, catalog it, & consistently compare your work experience & skills to our open positions to identify winning combinations. We will be in touch ASAP!

Give our team additional & detailed information about yourself and your career goals. Please set aside a few minutes to complete this interactive interview. Each answer we collect enables us to find you better matches. Be as honest and thorough as you can!


Need to hire new employees fast? Submit a job order via our talent request form and our team of recruiters immediately gets to work finding you the perfect candidates. We just need a few details from you to get started!

Looking for custom staffing solutions? Please set aside a few minutes to complete an interactive interview about meeting your hiring needs. We ask lots of questions and give you plenty of areas to include detailed responses.

 Current Job Openings

Browse our featured jobs. Not every position we have is publicly listed. Contact our recruiters for more!


“redShift was pivotal in my pursuit of my dream job. I wanted to slightly change my career path and I would not be in the position I am in today without the help of the redShift team. One of the best decisions I made was working side by side with redShift Recruiting!”