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Green Health Medical Marijuana doctors located in Oakland Park, Jacksonsville, and West Palm Beach, Florida. Set your appointment today to be evaluated for your Medical Marijuana card.

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Recreational marijuana and its legalization may be driving many people to try this treatment option, but the fact is that the medical use of cannabis is not something new. The use of this plant for treatment purposes can be traced to ancient times when marijuana was prescribed for digestive problems, pain relief and even psychological disorders, just to mention a few conditions. There are proven health benefits that can be traced to several of the active ingredients that are in marijuana.

The different forms

When you decide to try medical marijuana, you need to know that it is available in different forms. The product can be smoked, eaten in an edible version or ingested in pill form. You can get the product in any form that appeals to you. While to some people the pill makes the process feel more medical, others prefer to smoke it while many more prefer the marijuana added to cookies, brownies or chocolate bars. Marijuana in pill form is called nabilone or dronabinol.

The different ailments

Medical marijuana can be used to treat a wide range of ailments such as nausea, chronic pain, the effects of several progressive diseases as glaucoma and multiple scleroses. A medical marijuana investment is worth making if you are suffering from psychological disorders like PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder. Medical marijuana is often used when treating patients going through chemotherapy as it helps to ease nausea and vomiting.

Treating eye conditions

Medical cannabis has been used for several years in the treatment of glaucoma. This is an eye condition that causes elevated eyeball pressure, and it can lead to blindness. It is important to know that while marijuana may help to reduce the intraocular pressure, the fact that it needs to be consumed several times in a day can cause the mood-altering effects. Critics argue about the plants effectiveness, especially considering the impact on the user's ability to function effectively.

Stimulating appetite

One of the effects of marijuana use is appetite stimulation. Cannabis users find that they get a case of the "munchies" after smoking. This quality has made it the obvious solution for patients who have HIV or AIDS or other medical conditions that cause a suppressed appetite.

The debate on the use of medical marijuana in the United States has long been ended. In fact, marijuana now can be purchased legally within 23 states of the US. It is also legal for marijuana to be used for recreational purpose in the states of Washington and Colorado. It goes to show that the medicinal value that is attached to the use of marijuana far outweighs any negative effects that comes along with its use. However, not everybody is convinced that medical marijuana is a good thing. There are now other countries such as Australia that are debating on the legalization of marijuana use. Here are some of their arguments.

Pros. As early as 2737 B.C., marijuana has been used for treating gout, malaria and rheumatism in China. The use of marijuana spread throughout Asia until it reaches India where it was used for pain and stress relief. The medical use of marijuana soon got the attention of US and European countries.

Marijuana for medical use can be taken in several forms such as smoking, vaporizing and ingestion. There are 60 active ingredients called cannabinoids found in marijuana that are associated to its medicinal capabilities. Our body naturally produces cannabinoids that are responsible for modulating the amount of pain that our body is feeling. The main cannabinoid found in marijuana is the THC which is short for tetrahydrocannabinol. This THC triggers the CB1 receptors found in the brain, the nervous system, and other primary organs of our body. When the CB1 receptors are activated, they release hormones that will quell stress and pain caused by damaged tissues or nerve cells. Studies have also revealed that medical marijuana reduces muscle spasms and other symptoms related to muscles becoming stiff.

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Another medicinal use of marijuana is for stimulating the appetites of patients that suffer from suppressed appetites because of their medical conditions or treatment. Medical marijuana is prescribed to patients that are undergoing chemotherapy since this treatment will most often reduce a patient's appetite.

Although marijuana has been proven to have a lot of medicinal benefits, it goes without saying that its use may lead to different side effects. The THC of marijuana may affect the thinking and reasoning skills of its users. A person who is being treated with medical marijuana may have altered attention and judgement capabilities.

In the US, marijuana as a medicinal treatment is only being 'recommended' by doctors since the US federal law still prohibits the 'prescribing' of marijuana. Nevertheless, a person who wishes to purchase medical marijuana needs to have a diagnosis from a physician who will recommend the use of medical marijuana as a treatment for whatever illness they have.

There exists a gateway theory to marijuana which used to be called the stepping stone theory. The theory states that even if marijuana itself is not super dangerous, using it will lead to other drugs that are more dangerous. Over the years marijuana has been theorized as a gateway to LSD, Heroin, or Cocaine. Should medical marijuana be considered a gateway drug then? In reality, the theory doesn't pass muster. People who use cocaine are in fact likely to have used marijuana, which is more popular by far than cocaine. Medical marijuana does not lead people to use LSD, cocaine, or heroin. A great analogy is motorcycle riding versus bicycle riding. Compared to motorcycle riding (in this example this is cocaine use), many more people have ridden a bicycle (in this case smoking marijuana). The amount of people who ride a motorcycle (use cocaine) that have also ridden a bicycle previously (smoked marijuana) is very high. Bicycle riding does not cause motorcycle riding, however, and increases in bicycle riding will not lead to a higher incidence of motorcycle riding. The analogy spreads to an increase in medical marijuana usage will not lead to an increase in the use of cocaine or other harder drugs.


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All the analogy describes is a typical sequence in which events occur, not a causation. Just as riding a bicycle does not lead to motorcycle usage, medical marijuana usage does not lead to cocaine - it's simply a typical sequence based on a high prevalence activity (smoking marijuana) versus a low prevalence activity (heroin, cocaine, or lsd use).

There have also been some studies in animals looking at an association between THC and the increase of dopamine availability. Researchers have said marijuana is "priming" the brain for heroin and cocaine use. However, no studies have ever shown that "priming" animals with THC injections increases their desire to self-administer cocaine or heroin. The theory has no basis in reality.

Studies from the National Institute on Drug Abuse have shown that of the 72 million Americans who have used marijuana (probably more like 100 million since the studies were done), only 17% used cocaine more than one hundred times. This means that for every 100 marijuana users, only one currently uses cocaine.

Marijuana is by far the most commonly used illegal drug in the US today. People who have used less popular illicit drugs, like heroin, cocaine, or LSD, are likely to have also utilized marijuana. The vast majority of marijuana users never use any other illegal drug and marijuana is typically an end drug, not a gateway drug.

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Medical marijuana is proved to have certain valuable medical properties, which are witnessed and documented. Just to name a few of them, there are: improvement in patients that suffer nausea and vomiting, raise of appetite in patients that undergo chemotherapy or suffer AIDS, it also reduces intraocular pressure and possesses general pain relieving properties. Some studies as well confirmed marijuana to have benefits for a vast range of medical conditions.

Marijuana effectively helps in a wide range of medical conditions and diseases, including muscle spasms, glaucoma, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, AIDS, HIV, diabetes, chronic pains, nausea, insomnia, seizure disorders, appetite loss, medium pains, spasticity, brain cancer, and lung cancer. Globally accepted by the medicinal society as an alternative treatment for patients, who suffer from a broad range of chronic diseases and medical conditions.

Medical marijuana is most often used as an illegal substance or a recreational drug in other words, in a lot of developed nations. Medicinal researches have displayed that the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) - marijuana's main active component - supplies essential medical benefits in a lot of patients. Voters of Arizona and California considered these benefits substantial and have approved regulations that allow the use of medical marijuana by any patient that has a medical marijuana card.

In order to be taken through marijuana treatment, each patient has to be approved for and issued a marijuana card by a trusted doctor that has a marijuana license. After this patients are permitted to go through medical marijuana treatment. If a patient doesn't want to have troubles, they should register marijuana card of their own. One of the significant issues of being a marijuana card holder is that a patient is granted full legal protection of marijuana regulations and laws. Obtaining a medical card might be a tough thing to do, since it demands a reference from a physician that has a medical marijuana license. Make certain to visit one of your local medical marijuana dispensaries and proceed with the registration of your own marijuana card. But don't forget to contact the Department of Health of your state to verify which papers you need to bring along with you for your MMJ card registration.

Although you could need to put up some additional efforts to become eligible for and acquire your medical card, you shouldn't be scared of the time the process can take. The physicians will provide you a recommendation if they consider that you really need it for your medical condition. Marijuana can also be an injurious drug, but it can supply tons of benefits if it is employed only, when somebody's health truly needs it.

Every day, it becomes more difficult to deny the benefits of medical marijuana. Ask anyone who's used it for pain management relating to a life-altering illness - Cancer, AIDS, Glaucoma, Multiple Sclerosis, and Crohn's disease, among others - and they'll tell you how it's changed their lives. How smoking or ingesting a natural herb has made managing their pain and side effects a revelation. That when compared to any variety of chemically enhanced pharmaceutical offerings, the little white pills simply don't measure up.

Take side effects, for instance. Most prescription drugs come with a multi-page rider of possible bad things that might happen with regular use - liver damage is almost synonymous with long-term use. Compare that to marijuana, which studies show have almost no permanent damage with long-term use, and many patients choose not to smoke. Baked goods, butters, oils, and other natural means make marijuana the easiest medicine to swallow.

And medical marijuana doesn't only benefit debilitating illnesses. It has also been found to ease the discomfort surrounding arthritis, chronic pain, and nausea. Many women report success when using marijuana to treat menstrual cramps, and menopausal women have found great success in using marijuana to battle hot flashes, mood swings, and chills. Currently there are studies being done which indicate that medical marijuana might have a positive effect on depression and other anxiety related disorders.

The "bunch of stoners" stereotype has followed responsible marijuana users around for far too long. Like any other beneficial drug, marijuana can be abused. Unlike every other beneficial prescription drug out there, it is virtually impossible to "overdose" on marijuana. Classifying marijuana as a dangerous drug in the first place is a little like outlawing black cohosh or ginseng or any of the other herbs routinely used in different cultures for healing and pain management. It is an alternative medical course, as legitimate as chiropractic medicine, and often used hand in hand to great results. Chiropractic philosophy lines up perfectly with that of medical marijuana - your body, and nature, has the power to heal.

Medical marijuana is the name given to the cannabis and cannabinoids that are recommended by doctors for the treatment of numerous conditions or ailments. And if you are not treating any of your conditions or ailments with it, it won't be termed as medical marijuana. It is widely used all over the world under legal framework for various medical purposes.

The marijuana plant contains hundreds of cannabinoids and each of them has a different effect on the patient's body. With the latest researches that count for the health benefits of marijuana, its popularity has gained over the stigmas linked to weed. Being in New York, you can only use medical marijuana if you are suffering from some particular diseases under the legal framework.

The diseases that can be treated with medical marijuana in New York include Epilepsy and Seizures, Asthma, HIV/AIDS, and Alzheimer's. It is advised for any patient to use medical marijuana safely in accordance with the physician's prescription. In the nutshell, if medical marijuana is taken properly, it can prove to be a lot of beneficial to the user's body.

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Benefits of Medical Marijuana There are countless benefits of marijuana that make it a recommended dose for the patients suffering from various ailments or disorders.

1. It can cure many diseases. Medical marijuana is known for curing many diseases and physical problems. It can control epileptic seizures, fight Glaucoma, slow Alzheimer's, help in preventing cancer from spreading, reduce Hepatitis C side-effects, treat inflammatory bowels, relieve arthritis pain, ease multiple sclerosis pain, help you get through chemo and much more.

2. It can help in losing weight. It regulates insulin production in one's body and helps in managing the daily intake of calories more efficiently. You also might have noticed that people who consume weed are slimmer than the ones who don't. Moreover, it also improves the body metabolism of the patient.

3. It can reduce anxiety and depression. A study has shown that medical marijuana can improve the user's mood to a great extent and can even act as a mild sedative. It can easily kick out anxiety and depression out of patient's mind.

4. It is the best alternative to dangerous addictions. It has been found that it easier to get attracted towards marijuana from all other types of lethal drug addictions. In other words, it can save many lives that are prone to other hard drugs.

5. It helps the user in improving focus. Medical marijuana helps people in focusing on their job and increases their mental creativity. It might not have proved to be helpful in improving short-term memory, but it does prove to be helpful in performing well at tests and makes you smarter.

6. It reverses the negative impact of smoking tobacco on your lungs. It doesn't have any harmful effect on the user's lungs. Instead of this, it eliminates the effects of tobacco smoking provided you have quit it.

7. It is a good choice for relaxation. It is a good option for people who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It can actually work on relieving the stress that is associated with PTSD.

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Many people view drug addiction as a disease that needs healing. Many people suffering from substance abuse see their lives coming to a stall. Medical marijuana legalization, however, has seen to the use of medical marijuana to treat the untreatable. Research made proves that medical marijuana can be used to treat drug addiction. The study showed that cannabis did not direct to any physical dependency and hence superior to the other drugs. Some of the drug addictions people have include addiction to alcohol and opioid substances. The question, therefore, falls on how effective medical marijuana is in treating these drug addictions. Some of the reasons medical marijuana is considered active include; Marijuana's lack of dependency properties. Medical marijuana is scientifically known for its benefit in reducing chronic pains experienced by patients' various conditions.

Pain is the core reason why patients seek pain-relieving alternatives. Opioid substances including heroin are usually readily available and prescribed to patients. These medicines consumption is intended for shorter time lengths as per the doctor's prescription. However, some patients end up taking them without a physician's prescription. Some also consume a larger quantity than prescribed. This overdosing, in turn, makes these patients have a tolerance to the pain-relieving effects generated by the opioids. Subsequently, the patients see a need to increasing the dosage and end up developing a dependency on the drug for pain relief.

Marijuana has been classified as a schedule-1 drug. Despite this, research does not identify marijuana to have any habit-forming properties. In fact, the long-term effects of marijuana on the human body are still unidentified.

Marijuana acts as a substitute for hard drugs and alcohol

Medical marijuana studies have shown that the recently legalized drug can serve as an alternative to other hard substances. Amanda Reiman conducts a case study on methamphetamine users seeking to practice harm reduction in San Francisco. Amanda is the author in the Harm Reduction Journal 2009 study cannabis as a substitute for alcohol and other drugs. In her case study, the methamphetamine users admitted that marijuana use gave them mindfulness. The users, therefore, would choose to stone and sleep as opposed to taking meth.

The use of medical cannabis also led to the reduction use of other drug substances such as tobacco, opioids as well as alcohol. For instance, patients who that were addicted to alcohol confessed that medical cannabis had manageable symptoms, unlike alcohol. Also, unlike tobacco and opioids, marijuana studies do not show signs of drug addiction and dependability by users.



Studies indicate that an injection of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) assisted the user in eliminating dependency on the hard drug substances. The THC also enhanced mindfulness and put the patient in a position where they could evaluate their lives. Therefore, many drug addicts who embarked on cannabis as a treatment showed faster treatment. Many deaths caused by hard drug use like opioids also reduced subsequently in states that legalized marijuana. Thus medical cannabis is an effective substitute for the hard drugs and alcohol too.

Marijuana helps in withdrawal stages of the hard drugs

Did you know that chances of retrogressing to hard drug use during the withdrawal stage are minimal for medical marijuana users? Well, some of the withdrawal symptoms experienced by these hard drugs like heroin include nausea. The addicts may also experience trembling, lack of sleep and many other withdrawal conditions. Medical marijuana, on the other hand, is well-known to treat such conditions by inducing sleep and appetite. Therefore, medical cannabis is highly recommended for the treatment of drug addiction. It is typically a movement from one drug with harmful effects to one that does not have habit-forming properties.

Medical marijuana proves beneficial as it contains psychoactive properties. With a lack of relapse, drug addiction is reduced. The reason a majority of users fall back is due to the severe withdrawals. Withdrawals can be both painful and uncomfortable to the users. Medical cannabis thus proves useful in drug addiction treatment. Moreover, medical marijuana does not contain any withdrawal symptoms when used responsibly and conservatively.


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