Benefits Of Vitamin C IV Infusion



What Are The Benefits Of Vitamin C IV Infusion?

IV vitamin C infusion is a type of IV therapy which delivers soluble high-dose vitamin C directly into the bloodstream.

The benefits of vitamin C IV infusion include:

Better absorption. Because it bypasses the digestive route, the body can absorb higher amounts of vitamin C. In effect, patients experience the full extent of benefits faster.

Detoxification. One of the many and proven vitamin C benefits that we know is its ability to detoxify the body. It protects our body from oxidative damage caused by free radicals.

Immune system boost. Vitamin C promotes the production of infection-fighting white blood cells aka lymphocytes and phagocytes. It then protects them from toxins as they fight pathogens. Low levels of vitamin C in the body have been linked to health issues like scurvy.

Collagen production. Ascorbic acid helps the body produce collagen. Collagen is a protein that has many functions including healing wounds, developing tissue, and maintaining skin elasticity.

Cancer treatment support. For some patients, high-dose vitamin C is used to help improve the quality of life and minimize the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy.

Mobile IV Therapy By Hydreight NOLA

Vitamin C IV therapy can also be part of a wellness regimen or as quick relief for migraine, dehydration, or hangover. This pioneering service broadens access to an innovative wellness solution.

Some of Hydreight NOLA’s IV infusions pack high-dose vitamin C as part of their unique formulation. These IV drips are:

Myer’s Cocktail. This IV formulation is for those who are looking to relax and restore their energy. It alleviates several symptoms including migraine, muscle pain, and fatigue, among many others. Aside from vitamin C, this also contains magnesium and B-complex.

Carnival Glow. This IV drip is ideal for those who want to detoxify. Toxin build-up can cause fatigue and make the body more susceptible to diseases. This formulation focuses on clearing the liver of toxins and keeping it healthy, so it can operate to its full potential. This IV drip also contains vitamin B-complex and antioxidants.

Pandemic Protection. As the name suggests, this formulation will help you defend and supercharge your immune system. It helps keep common illnesses, like flu and colds, at bay. This is ideal for people who are busy and on-the-go, despite the challenges of living amidst a pandemic. It promotes healing, faster metabolism, and mental clarity. It also contains Multitrace-5.

Check out Hydreight NOLA’s website for a complete list of all their IV drips. All vitamins are FDA-approved and undergo multiple testing before being made available to clients. IV therapy itself is administered by qualified and licensed medical professionals.

Vitamin C IV Therapy Near Me? Download The Hydreight App Now.

Intravenous therapy is safe, effective, and now more convenient. Hydreight NOLA delivers IV vitamin C therapy on demand—whenever you want it and wherever you are. If you are at home or at work and in need of quick relief, you can use the app to book a mobile IVtherapy that best suits your health needs. You can book on-demand or schedule an appointment.

Download the Hydreight app to find a service provider near you. Got questions? Contact us now.

Hydreight NOLA
519 Wilkinson St Ste 100
New Orleans, LA 70130


from Hydreight NOLA

Hangover Remedy At Home From a Mobile On Demand Service


Are You Looking For A Convenient Hangover Remedy At Home?

Severe headache after a crazy night out? Need to get back on track fast? If you are in New Orleans, Hydreight NOLA offers a hangover remedy at home, administered via IV therapy.

The IV treatment is called ‘Big Easy Hangover Remedy.’ This hangover recovery IV therapy is formulated with rehydrating, anti-inflammatory, and nausea-neutralizing fluids and vitamins.

Hydreight’s fast-acting hangover remedy eases the classic symptoms of a hangover, including headache, nausea, and discomfort. It also rehydrates and detoxifies cells. It has Vitamin B-Complex and magnesium.

Vitamin B-Complex consists of eight different water-soluble vitamins. Each one has a specific role in supporting the body’s natural functions. For instance, Vitamin B-1 or thiamine is essential to organ growth while Vitamin B-3 aka niacin helps maintain healthy skin and improves digestion.

Alcohol inhibits our body’s ability to absorb B-vitamins and depletes it. This can lead to fatigue and stomach irritation. It then triggers familiar symptoms like nausea and vomiting. Vitamin B-Complex is a known and proven effective supplement for hangover recovery.

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body. It is vital to many metabolic processes, including energy production and protein building. It can help reduce blood pressure, control blood sugar, and manage migraines.

Magnesium, together with Vitamin C, supports the enzyme that breaks down alcohol and eliminates it from the body. When our blood sugar level is low due to excessive alcohol consumption, magnesium plays an important role in restoring balance.

Hangover Recovery 101

Rehydrate. When we drink alcohol, we tend to urinate more often. According to Harvard Health, this happens because alcohol inhibits vasopressin, the hormone that decreases urine volume made by the kidneys. Dehydration is aggravated by sweating and vomiting, both of which can happen when you are intoxicated.

Water is the easiest choice for rehydration, but you can also drink electrolyte-water aka sports drinks. Electrolytes are minerals that regulate fluid balance in the body. It also helps with blood pressure and muscle contraction. Sodium, potassium, and magnesium are the top three electrolytes.

Eat. Eating a balanced and nutritious meal can help restore blood sugar to normal levels. Low blood sugar makes hangover symptoms worse. Refueling the body can help manage fatigue or nausea.

Sleep. Higher amounts and regular consumption of alcohol can disrupt sleep patterns. Lack of sleep can aggravate headaches and possible irritability. Restful sleep allows the body to recover. Make sure to rehydrate before you hit the sack.

On-Demand Hangover Relief

Recovery from a hangover takes time. You need to rehydrate, refuel, and sleep it off. However, the reality is that not everyone has the luxury of time. Sometimes, parties and celebrations happen in the middle of a workweek. And when a hangover strikes, you need to bounce back fast.

Hydreight is like having your own on-demand hangover recovery team. You simply have to download our app and book a session, whenever and wherever you are. You can choose from nearby licensed specialists who will come to your home and administer the IV therapy.

Hydration therapy for hangovers is convenient, fast, and safe. The session itself will last anywhere from 30 to 40 minutes, and the effects are almost immediate. There is no need to suffer and be in misery all day long. After our IV treatment, you’ll be able to get back to being productive and pain-free.

from Hydreight NOLA

Instant Migraine Relief At Home


Did You Know That You Can Book Instant Migraine Relief At Home?

If you are in New Orleans, Hydreight NOLA offers the ‘Mardi Gras Migraine Relief’ IV drip. This instant migraine relief at home contains B-Complex, magnesium, and electrolytes.

Vitamin B-Complex is composed of eight vitamins including thiamine, niacin, folic acid, and biotin. Each of these vitamins has a specific role that supports bodily functions. Overall, B-Complex is essential to cell health, brain and nerve function, and energy production, among others.

Magnesium helps regulate blood pressure and supports the immune system. It can also help prevent or relieve headaches. When the body is low on magnesium, neurotransmitters can be affected, and blood vessel constriction is restricted. This has been identified as a possible cause of migraines.

Meanwhile, electrolytes are minerals that hydrate the body and support tissue repair.

Together, this formulation can help provide instant migraine relief by reducing pain and inflammation. It also relaxes your muscles and eases nausea.

What Is Mobile IV Therapy?

Hydreight’s IV therapy service is an innovative medical solution that allows you to book an IV drip whenever and wherever you need it. You simply have to download the app. It will show you available IV drips in the NOLA area. You can also select a licensed specialist who is nearby. Our specialists will conduct a quick health check before each session to ensure that it is safe and effective for you.

Our IV drips contain electrolytes and salt or sugars, vitamins and, antioxidants. Each formulation varies, depending on what you need. IV therapy is often used for relief and recovery. But it can also be part of a wellness regimen. In this case, you can schedule your sessions in advance via the app.

How To Get Relief From Migraine Pain

If you suffer from chronic migraine, you may have heard of these natural migraine relief tips.

Essential oils. One study found that people who inhaled lavender oil during a migraine attack felt better faster compared to those who inhaled a placebo. Another study found that the menthol in peppermint oil could be effective in preventing migraine symptoms from escalating.

Ginger. Ginger has many therapeutic benefits, one of which is easing nausea. The research found that ginger powder helped reduce the severity and duration of migraines.

Yoga. One study showed that yoga could help minimize the intensity and frequency of migraine attacks. It also helps release tension which could trigger this chronic condition.

Diet. Some food and beverages are known migraine triggers. These include processed foods, cold drinks, cheese, chocolate, and caffeine. It will, of course, vary for each person. For some, coffee or tea can help soothe the pain. For others, it can be a prompt. Keeping a food diary is a good way to determine which items are good or bad for you.

The upside is that these natural remedieshave amazing health benefits that go beyond migraine relief. The downside is that the effects may not always come as fast as you need them. It’s almost like an experiment. You have to try and find which one works best for you. If in doubt, always consult with your doctor.

Migraine Relief At Home: Get It When You Need It

Hydreight NOLA’s ‘Mardi Gras Migraine Relief’ is wellness on demand. You can request our specialist to go to your home or your workplace. And because this hydration therapy is administered via IV, you experience the benefits almost immediately. This means you don’t have to suffer through debilitating headaches for the rest of the day.

Download the Hydreight app now to find the IV drip that best suits your needs. Questions? You can also visit our Hydreight NOLA website to learn more.

from Hydreight NOLA

What Is IV Therapy In New Orleans? | Hydreight NOLA 504-294-5994 What is iv therapy in New Orleans and where do you get it? Hydreight NOLA is a mobile IV services app providing iv therapy on demand. Our IV’s hydrate and rejuvenate the body. The menu of our iv drips offers many solutions that help people who may suffer from depression, lack of energy, hangover, the flu, fatigue, jetlag, and many other conditions. People suffering from migraines or if you had a few too many libations and have a hangover, Hydreight NOLA has a remedy for you! Perhaps you have been suffering from chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia, we have iv therapies that help alleviate these conditions. Hydreight NOLA has IV infusion therapies that cover just about anything you can think of or may be suffering from. Are you always feeling tired and rundown? Using our mobile IV therapy services consistently will help improve your overall health and wellness. Here are just a couple of the many iv drips we offer from our menu. Health & Wellness - Boosting The Immune System Therapy Hydrating IV fluids with antioxidants that detox your body, boosts your immune response with magnesium to help fight fatigue. Big Easy Hangover Remedy – Revive and Recover Hydrating IV fluids with electrolytes combined with Vitamin B Complex and Magnesium to ease your hangover symptoms. To take advantage of this wonderful service where we come to you simply download the Hydreight app. Then schedule an appointment with one of our IV therapy specialists who will visit you wherever you happen to be. Whole-body hydration is now directly in the palm of your hand. Book your iv therapy appointment in New Orleans now, your body will thank you! The Hydreight NOLA IV therapy specialists are all licensed medical professionals, nurses, or paramedics ready to assist you when you need it! You can pay for your mobile IV drip anyway you like. We accept cash payments as well as all major credit cards. We hope this answered the question of what is iv therapy in New Orleans, Hydreight NOLA is where you get it! Hydreight NOLA 504-294-5994

IV Infusion


In contrast to IV drips and extended medications, which in severe cases can cause serious side effects, IV Infusion is a safe, natural solution that promotes rapid recovery from flu symptoms and restores energy levels. It is usually injected in two doses of six minutes each - this is followed by recovery sleep and further therapy to prevent infection.

The procedure itself, using a saline-based solution, is relatively safe, but it is important to understand that this is only one of many factors that contribute to the successful treatment and recovery from flu. The IV Infusion process helps the body to provide additional nutrients and keeps the immune system in top shape.Another option, especially for people who cannot tolerate the side effects of intravenous medications or prolonged stays in the hospital, is to use supplemental drugs.

The only problem with such treatment is that the effects are not felt immediately - it takes some time for the body to slowly absorb the nutrients and help fight flu symptoms. Supplemental drugs, like Vitamin C and L-carnitine, are usually taken in the form of a pill and can be monitored closely. While the supplements may help a person to stay calm and awake during their recovery from flu, the effects may take some time to have an effect on a person.

Read More: IV Infusion

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