Milestone Church Haslet, TX Campus - (817) 576-8445
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Milestone is a life-giving, Bible-centered, Spirit-filled church located in Haslet, TX. Reaching People. Building Lives.

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Milestone Church Haslet Campus
1069 Eagle Blvd, Haslet, TX 76052
(817) 576-8445
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Preschool Ministry Haslet
We have all been afraid at some point—unsure of what the future holds. Maybe you’re living there right now. If so—you’re not alone.

Lauren faced a situation where she felt God calling her to do something she didn’t understand—something that would test her faith. By saying ‘yes’ to God and His plans, she was encouraged by His faithfulness. Check out her story:

“About 6 months ago, God started pushing me to go back to work at the hospital as a nurse. I had no idea why, and in all honesty, I fought it—I was scared.

One day I decided to say ‘yes’. There was obstacle after obstacle, and most days I questioned if I was really hearing God. With four young kids and a husband who travels, so much still didn’t make sense. But, how often does God call us to do things that don’t make sense?

After a long journey, I accepted a job at Baylor Medical Center. I couldn’t have been more thrilled about the job, but I still wondered why God wanted me to go back. My family and I were going into this sacrificing a lot for something we trusted was right. However, little did I know, God would reveal to me why He had placed me there.

The day I started working at the hospital was the same day that quarantine went into effect, and COVID-19 became a reality. It was at that moment that I heard God answer my question ‘why?’. He said to me, ‘for such a time as this’.

God knows my heart better than anyone. He knew that I couldn’t have been at home watching this unfold without helping as a nurse. He knew I needed to be there. And beyond that, I’ve seen Him give me so many opportunities to help people both physically and spiritually during this time.
Milestone Church Freedom Weekend Haslet
Milestone Church Freedom Weekend Haslet
What Church Should I Go To Haslet
Next thing I knew, Tahmra was on the ground, fading in and out of consciousness, and I was in a patch of brush, pushed right up against a fence.
Milestone Church Groups Haslet
Have you lived through the stress and anxiety that comes with debt racking up? Are you living there right now? It’s safe to say, most of us have been there. Ryan and Lauren were in that place, but after Financial Peace University (FPU), they have a radically different view of their finances. And today, they are here to share how they’ve found financial peace.

“We took FPU in the fall of 2017 while engaged, and got married half-way through the class. I wanted us to be on the same page. We were becoming one in marriage, and so, one in our finances as well.

I was aware we had debt, and I knew it was bad – but I pretended it wasn’t there.

But, during FPU, my mind was really opened to the process of properly handling money and how to live and give in a way that’s honoring to God.

It made us look our debt in the face and learn how to bravely tackle the mountain, and that changed everything.

We did the budget and followed the structure, and we were finally ready to make it work. Money ebbs and flows, but making the budget and working through the challenge of paying off our debt has influenced mine and Ryan’s relationships with God.

It’s obvious that God is moving in our finances.

The truth is, what we’ve paid off so far is mathematically impossible compared to our income. Time and time again, God has helped us get to exactly where we needed to be each month, even when it was impossible for us to do so.

Now, we finally have the peace we’ve been needing – and we have paid off $140,000 in a year and a half! We still have a ways to go, but we’ve made a lot of progress.

I’ve learned that God is faithful, He really helps us in our time of need, and most of all, Ryan and I have seen, together, that God will provide.”


“Lauren and I have experienced a miracle in our finances; actually, we’ve experienced multiple miracles. God has provided, and we’re believing that he will provide for us exactly what we need.

We don’t have any stress – we don’t worry about money, and that’s all because of God.“

Milestone Church Reviews Haslet
Milestone Church Reviews Haslet
Marriage Ministry Haslet
At 25 years old, I met my husband. We were married on October 7, 2000, and waited for the 2.2 children to arrive.
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Milestone Student Ministry Haslet
In Part 1, we looked at Matthew 21 and the significance of the first two parts of the story. I explained that Jesus rode a donkey because it was a symbol of peace and the Israelites laid their cloaks down because they recognized His authority as King. This means that Jesus gives us a promise of peace and security that still applies to our lives today.

I want to jump in where we left off on Monday. Let’s look at Matthew 21:6-10 again and at two more questions from this passage to finish up.

Matthew 21:6-10 (NIV)

The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them. They brought the donkey and the colt and placed their cloaks on them for Jesus to sit on. A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted,

“Hosanna to the Son of David!”

“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”

“Hosanna in the highest heaven!”

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, “Who is this?”

Why do they wave palm branches?

Palm branches were a symbol of victory. It means that Jesus came, and still comes, to bring victory. When we allow Him to rule and reign over our lives, our family, and our challenges, He brings victory. Even when things don’t seem to go our way, we can know that we have the ultimate victory in Him because He has defeated sin and death.

Why do they shout “Hosanna”?

Hosanna means “He saves.” It comes from a Hebrew word that means salvation. He comes to save us from our sins. But, if we want the peace and victory He brings, then we first have to realize that we can’t save ourselves–only He can.

Jesus fulfilled all of the promises God had spoken to His people hundreds of years earlier. He was preparing to submit Himself to die on the cross for the sins of the world–something that would have looked like the ultimate defeat. But, when He rose from the dead, He came through on His promises, and He still does today.

The truth is that we all look to something to save us–we all turn somewhere and ask for help. Not everyone there that day trusted Jesus as the coming King–they didn’t all believe His promises. But, those who look to Jesus and put their trust in Him receive a different promise–one of peace, security, victory, salvation, and so much more.

Matthew 6:33 tells us,

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

When we seek the King, Jesus, and His kingdom–the things that matter to him–He promises us peace, protection, and provision. The question is–will you trust His promises to you?
Milestone Church Pastor Haslet
Milestone Church Pastor Haslet
Youth Ministry Near Me Haslet
In Part 1, we looked at Matthew 21 and the significance of the first two parts of the story. I explained that Jesus rode a donkey because it was a symbol of peace and the Israelites laid their cloaks down because they recognized His authority as King. This means that Jesus gives us a promise of peace and security that still applies to our lives today.

I want to jump in where we left off on Monday. Let’s look at Matthew 21:6-10 again and at two more questions from this passage to finish up.

Matthew 21:6-10 (NIV)

The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them. They brought the donkey and the colt and placed their cloaks on them for Jesus to sit on. A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted,

“Hosanna to the Son of David!”

“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”

“Hosanna in the highest heaven!”

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, “Who is this?”

Why do they wave palm branches?

Palm branches were a symbol of victory. It means that Jesus came, and still comes, to bring victory. When we allow Him to rule and reign over our lives, our family, and our challenges, He brings victory. Even when things don’t seem to go our way, we can know that we have the ultimate victory in Him because He has defeated sin and death.

Why do they shout “Hosanna”?

Hosanna means “He saves.” It comes from a Hebrew word that means salvation. He comes to save us from our sins. But, if we want the peace and victory He brings, then we first have to realize that we can’t save ourselves–only He can.

Jesus fulfilled all of the promises God had spoken to His people hundreds of years earlier. He was preparing to submit Himself to die on the cross for the sins of the world–something that would have looked like the ultimate defeat. But, when He rose from the dead, He came through on His promises, and He still does today.

The truth is that we all look to something to save us–we all turn somewhere and ask for help. Not everyone there that day trusted Jesus as the coming King–they didn’t all believe His promises. But, those who look to Jesus and put their trust in Him receive a different promise–one of peace, security, victory, salvation, and so much more.

Matthew 6:33 tells us,

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

When we seek the King, Jesus, and His kingdom–the things that matter to him–He promises us peace, protection, and provision. The question is–will you trust His promises to you?
Milestone Church  TX Haslet
What do you do when you feel like God has forgotten about you? It’s a feeling Marci was no stranger to, but in recent years, she has seen the truth, and she’s here today to share it with us.
Missions Near Me Haslet
Missions Near Me Haslet
Milestone Church God Of The Breakthrough Haslet
Have you lived through the stress and anxiety that comes with debt racking up? Are you living there right now? It’s safe to say, most of us have been there. Ryan and Lauren were in that place, but after Financial Peace University (FPU), they have a radically different view of their finances. And today, they are here to share how they’ve found financial peace.

“We took FPU in the fall of 2017 while engaged, and got married half-way through the class. I wanted us to be on the same page. We were becoming one in marriage, and so, one in our finances as well.

I was aware we had debt, and I knew it was bad – but I pretended it wasn’t there.

But, during FPU, my mind was really opened to the process of properly handling money and how to live and give in a way that’s honoring to God.

It made us look our debt in the face and learn how to bravely tackle the mountain, and that changed everything.

We did the budget and followed the structure, and we were finally ready to make it work. Money ebbs and flows, but making the budget and working through the challenge of paying off our debt has influenced mine and Ryan’s relationships with God.

It’s obvious that God is moving in our finances.

The truth is, what we’ve paid off so far is mathematically impossible compared to our income. Time and time again, God has helped us get to exactly where we needed to be each month, even when it was impossible for us to do so.

Now, we finally have the peace we’ve been needing – and we have paid off $140,000 in a year and a half! We still have a ways to go, but we’ve made a lot of progress.

I’ve learned that God is faithful, He really helps us in our time of need, and most of all, Ryan and I have seen, together, that God will provide.”


“Lauren and I have experienced a miracle in our finances; actually, we’ve experienced multiple miracles. God has provided, and we’re believing that he will provide for us exactly what we need.

We don’t have any stress – we don’t worry about money, and that’s all because of God.“

Milestone Church Serve Day Haslet
Milestone Church Serve Day Haslet
Milestone Church Service Times Haslet
God knows my heart better than anyone. He knew that I couldn’t have been at home watching this unfold without helping as a nurse. He knew I needed to be there. And beyond that, I’ve seen Him give me so many opportunities to help people both physically and spiritually during this time.
The Milestone Church  TX Haslet
Any time some sort of crisis happens, why is our first instinct to head to the grocery store? It’s because we want to be prepared—to be equipped. However, many times we may be physically equipped to handle the challenges life throws at us but spiritually we aren’t sure what to do.

So how do we find peace in moments like these?

Respond to God.

Peace comes from a relationship with a perfect God. In order to reach Him, we have to be perfect. That’s why we need Jesus—He brings us close to God and gives us His peace. That is our hope.

Recognize your source.

Challenges and uncertain times reveal where we put our trust. Just like when you squeeze a bottle of toothpaste, toothpaste comes out. It’s the same way with us. When pressure comes, whatever we have filled ourselves with will come out. We have to ask ourselves—where are we looking to meet our needs? If it is anywhere other than Jesus, ultimately it can’t fulfill us. So, we have to remind ourselves God is the source of our peace.

Remember the faithfulness of God.

Philippians 4:8-9 tells us, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”

Our thinking affects us more than we realize. We have to remember to dwell on God’s promises when we feel anxious or afraid. We trust His character more than our circumstances.

Reveal where your hope comes from.

In moments of crisis, the church has the greatest opportunity in the backdrop of darkness to be what Jesus said we are—a light on a hill. When we get outside of ourselves and serve those around us instead of being consumed with our own needs, things start to change. That is the power of spiritual family.

The Bible says Jesus is acquainted with every single fear, sorrow, or hurt we will ever experience. Peace in uncertain times is a gift from Jesus, and He wants to give it to us—all we have to do is receive it.

Here are three practical ways we can receive His peace:

Tune out negative voices.

Discipline our thoughts to think about His thoughts.

Ask the Holy Spirit to fill us with His peace.
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