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The Lyon Show Motivational Podcast
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Motivational Podcast
6 Podcast Tips to Keep You Ahead
Podcasts are a great way to develop traffic, impart information and build your credibility as an expert. But, like any repeating product, they are time consuming and difficult to keep producing. Not only because your motivation will ebb and flow but also because what you can say about any one subject is limited. So finding a topic to talk about for 15 minutes or so -- each and every week -- can be a daunting task.

How do you keep ahead and keep going?
In this article I'm going to give you six tips that will help you to keep ahead and keep producing podcasts.
1. Create your podcasts as a series.
It's always easier to create four or five podcasts (i.e. one hour) than it is to create a single podcast. It sounds silly but it's true. Creating one big piece is easier than many smaller pieces. And finding one idea that you can split into several is always easier than finding four or five separate ideas.

2. Create your podcasts as a group.
Getting two hours free once a month is easier than getting thirty minutes free every week. It sounds silly but it's true. The fact that you are under pressure to meet a deadline has two opposite effects. First it gives you the impetus to do the work -- which is good. But it also applies stress which makes it more difficult to do creative work. It's always easier to write, record and produce four podcasts in one go than it is to create four separate podcasts. So try to do your podcasts in a batch.

3. Keep an ideas book with you at all times.
Ideas come to you all the time. But most of them get lost in the ether. Why? Because they aren't relevant to you at the time they occur. How often do you remember your dreams? How often have you walked from one room to another and forgotten why you came into the room? Don't trust your memory... write it down.

4. Don't over deliver on each podcast.
You wouldn't expect a radio to give their personalities an unlimited time on the radio would you? Well you don't have an unlimited time in a podcast either. When you script your podcast you only have time for a set number of points. Don't try to squeeze more points in. Better to do two podcasts than one with extra points.

5. Take a break once in a while
No one can deliver creativity on a constant basis. Neither can anyone work all the time. You need to take a break if only to recharge your batteries. Doing batches of podcasts helps give you product to run during your break time.

6. Develop the ideas while you are waiting
When was the last time you got in to see the doctor without waiting? When was the last time you took your spouse shopping and waited while they shopped? We all have periods where we are just sitting waiting for someone else to do their thing. Use that time to outline your scripts. Use that time to develop one idea into topics for a dozen podcasts.
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Why Podcasting?
Podcasting is an important tool for the information or learning content marketer.
But why? Why Podcasting?

There are a number of different reasons why a learning content product marketer might want to create podcasts.
1. It is low cost
Creating podcasts is extremely inexpensive. In fact, it's almost cost free unlike marketing tools like pay for click, banner advertising or other forms of advertising. Once you have a computer and a microphone, there really isn't any other expense. The software required can be found for free. And since you do the recording, there really isn't any cost.

2. It is time efficient.
Unlike other forms of learning content creation, creating podcasts can take very little time. In fact, you can do the entire process including editing in less than three times the length of the podcast. And since a podcast normally is relatively short -- usually less than 15 minutes -- the time involved is typically less than an hour a week.

3. It is a source of traffic
Podcasts can drive a great deal of pre-qualified, targeted traffic. Because the audience listens to the podcast first they already know what you are selling. In addition, they are motivated to buy since they wouldn't bother to visit your site unless they were looking for what you are selling.

4. It is repeating.
Podcasts don't go away. Unlike advertising such as Google ads which appear once and then may not appear to the same person again, podcasts are repeating. Every week there is a new and interesting podcasts which your followers will download. This constant repetition makes the advertising message more likely to be heard. Even if a listener doesn't visit today, he might next week or the week after.

5. It is personal.
Podcasts are normally recorded by the individual learning content creator themselves. And they are audio. As a result, the audience hears you -- not a script writer or someone in a foreign land who has been asked to write an eBook. They hear you and as a result they will tend to form a relationship.

6. It is reputation building.
Podcasts can help you to build a reputation. Because they are content based they provide a chance to showcase your information. Effectively they become a once per week sample that your audience wants to download. And because they are personal in nature they create a relationship with your audience which helps to enhance the reputation being built.

7. It is well liked by the audience.
Podcasts are well accepted by their audience and are seen as a high value benefit. People like to listen to them. And what they hear influences their purchasing patterns as well.
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Daily Motivation and How It Will Help You To Succeed
If you're ready to take your business to the next level, whether it's affiliate marketing or multilevel marketing, it's a great idea to get some daily motivation before you start on your day's To-Do list.

You can get your daily motivation in a variety of ways - reading books or listening to CDs from motivational speakers, heading to YouTube and watching seminars from inspirational speakers or tuning in to podcasts that your company broadcasts every day.
Every day we seem to have negative messages shoved in our faces. Just log on Facebook and see what things people are talking about - politics, bullying, banks cheating their customers, people losing their homes, children missing...
You don't even have to read the newspaper or turn the TV on to get bad news anymore. If you let yourself be consumed by all this negativity on a daily basis, it's easy to feel hopeless and just say 'Why bother?' It's easy to just give up.
But if you start every morning with a dose of daily motivation, in whatever form is easier and more comfortable for you, it will keep you inspired and motivated to keep pushing yourself toward success.
Sometimes just reading a lot of motivational quotes can give you the jumpstart you need to get things done, one at a time, on your To-Do list.

Share Your Daily Motivation Techniques With Your Team Members Too
Remember, there are people in your downline, not just member ID numbers. The more you motivate them, the higher the chances are that they'll succeed. Be sure to ask them what they're doing for their morning motivation too. It might be something that you'll want to start doing for yourself.
It's not a bad idea to have a couple of different forms of daily motivation. For example, when I start my day, I get in on Daily Wake-Up Calls. They have guest speakers and other members who share their words of wisdom on getting and staying positive throughout the day.

These calls are also recorded and broadcast as podcasts. If you're not able to get in on the live call, you can bring up the RSS feed and choose from podcasts going back at least three years.
When we log into our affiliate center, it's set up to promote daily motivation and inspiration with others by way of Tips, Quotes of the Day and the Stream, where you can share quotes and tips to help keep you positive.

No matter what business you're in, you'll have slumps, downtime, where you're not earning much or you don't seem to be generating enough leads. But these aren't the only times you'll need some 'kicks in the butt' to get your positivity back in gear.
And especially with MLM since it seems like the network marketing industry tends to get a bad rap every now and then. It's easy to fall into a negative slump when you keep advertising and blogging but no one seems to be signing up with your program.
But if you make it a habit to do something every day to get motivated, and even take a break during the day to stay motivated, then the slumps will be easier to handle, and you'll have even more drive to succeed when you believe you can.
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Contact Details:
The Lyon Show
110 Wade st Payson, AZ 85541
Phone: (303)729-0411
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